Saturday, May 22, 2010

Big Dan's Big News May 22, 2010

Why aren't they taking this guy out???

I can't believe Dylan Ratigan isn't kicked off the air. Why are they letting him speak the truth on TV???

Why isn't Dylan Ratigan taken down off TV for speaking the truth???

Dylan Ratigan again...PROOF that Big Oil OWNS the U.S. government???

JFK spoke openly about secret societies running everything, this is exactly why he got shot:

You can’t fight two wars for this long, while going through one of the worst recessions this country has ever seen, and not go deep in debt.

Wars top ONE TRILLION mark!!!

You won't see THIS on the major "news" networks: The REAL News interviews the Iraqi Shoe Thrower, the guy who threw his shoes at Bush:

Why the GOP Plots to Steal Social Security

Here's Bush when he was pimping privatizing social security: a GOP hallmark. McCain did it, too. Notice no one says: "What would've happened to our social security in this financial crisis, if Bush privatized social security?" No stories in the "media" about it, either. Funny, huh? If it's a "liberal media"!

George Bush: You have nothing to worry about:

Police tried to suppress local news from airing video of them kicking and beating innocent Latino man:


  1. Corbett Subpoenas Twitter For IDs Of Bonusgate Critics.

  2. Then they came for the for the Bloggers

  3. The blog being subpoenaed:

  4. Dis is what happens when you fuck with bull,..

    Julio Aparicio GORED IN THROAT During Bullfight (GRAPHIC PHOTOS)

  5. I was flicking through the channels and came across Tom Corbett on PCN. He was standing in front of a job center/career link, longing for the "good old days" when unemployed people went to the job centers and had to fill out "little booklets" to show what jobs they were actually looking for. I guess he thinks everybody on UC is faking it, and that there are plenty of good paying jobs (like his) to be had. This thought process alone should disqualify this fukstick from any political office.

  6. Some mindless fun.

  7. Checkout this Texaco fuck up.
