Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Big Dan's Big News March 3, 2010

NEPA news: the offensive Kids for Cash judges go on the offensive, assemble "Taint Team"!

The best defense when you railroad kids into your private "for profit" jail is a good offense and get the "TAINT TEAM" rolling! Remember, privatizing (corporatizing) public things like jails and putting them into the "for profit" sector lead to things like this. So let's keep chipping away at public things and privatizing/corporatizing them so private citizens like the Kids for Cash judges can create badly needed the expense of justice! I feel sorry for the kids for cash and their families that have to witness this arrogant circus.

Above: is that the "Taint Team"? There's a lot of Taint there!

SCRANTON – Attorneys for former judges Michael Conahan and Mark Ciavarella launched their defense with a blistering attack Monday, filing dozens of pre-trial motions that include allegations of prosecutorial misconduct and bias by the trial judge.

The motions, filed by lead defense attorneys Al Flora and Philip Gelso, seek to dismiss the 48-count indictment filed in September. The attorneys argue that the U.S. Attorney’s Office engaged in “outrageous conduct” by utilizing attorney Robert Powell as an informant when it knew Powell had been part of a “joint defense agreement” with the judges.

Flora, who represents Ciavarella, and Gelso, who represents Conahan, also want U.S. District Judge Edwin Kosik to recuse himself from the case based on comments he allegedly made that indicate he has pre-judged Conahan’s and Ciavarella’s guilt, they say.

The documents were among a combined total of 45 pre-trial motions filed by Flora and Gelso and their co-counsel, William Ruzzo and Arthur Donato. Other key motions filed included:

• Change of venue based on extensive pre-trial publicity surrounding the case.

• Suppression of statements contained in audio recordings obtained by Powell.

• Dismissal of all counts related to the charges of racketeering and honest services fraud.

• Compelling the government to provide more detailed evidence and to provide transcripts of grand jury proceedings that led to the charges.

Ex-judges launch their attack. Motions allege bias, prosecutorial misconduct

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After tainting the NEPA judicial system forever, the Kids for Cash "judges" assemble "TAINT TEAM":

"Prosecutors, aware that defense strategies might be revealed, assembled a separate 'taint' team to review the recordings and redact any information that might be deemed to be protected by attorney-client privilege. Gelso says the 'taint' team did not follow established protocol and allowed some information to be revealed to the prosecution team that should have been withheld."

On right: the head of Judges Conahan and Ciavarella's "Taint Team" - Ron Jeremy.

First it's TeaBaggers, now it's the Taint Team!

How much more proof do we need that elections are being stolen on electronic voting machines before we ban them???

Actual witness in court under oath states that electronic voting machines were rigged to flip votes! I guess this ONLY happened here in Kentucky and never anywhere else! They're the same e-vote machines everywhere!

Federal Trial Witness: Kentucky Election Officials Used E-Voting Machines to Flip Votes. Republican official says she was asked to change party affiliation to serve as 'Democratic' precinct official...

Incidentally, Jim Bunning is from Kentucky:

Five...Five...Five Dollar Foot Long! Unemployed people of America who had their jobs outsourced to other countries: get out your Jim Bunning K-Y (R) lubricant in preparation for your Jim Bunning Five Dollar Foot Long!

...and that census worker that was either hung or hung himself with "FED" scrawled on his chest was in the EXACT SAME COUNTY in Kentucky that the electronic voting machine flipping happened! Yes, Clay County, Kentucky! What are the odds of that?

Federal Census Worker Found Hanged in Drug, Election Scandal-Ridden Clay County, KY

Far be it for the "news" to point this out to you! (you know, the "liberal media")

Like I've been telling you and providing you proof over and over and over again: now we know exactly where bajillionaire Rush Limbaugh, rightwing media, FOX "news", and the Republicans stand vs. the middle class: DEAD STRAIGHT AGAINST US! Suddenly, they pick (naturally) unemployment to take a stand on government spending!

Right-wing media praise Bunning for blocking worker pay, relief to unemployed

Rush Limbaugh-ette Laura Ingraham says Americans are against the unemployment bill like Bunning is. That's true...if her definition of "Americans" is her and Rush Limbaugh:

The man who started it all is on the right: their "hero" Ronald Reagan!

Gore Vidal - America's permanent war agenda:


  1. Chiav and Con are swine not worthy to be called human f*&^king beings.

  2. It has nothing to do with a non-Republican president! When will you learn! Just because the same thing happened when Clinton was president is a mear coincidence! And just because the numbers when down during Bush is another coincidence! Stop reading anything into it!

  3. Michael Moore sounds off to Raw Story:
    'Democrats are a bunch of wusses...
    It's disgusting... I'm sick of them'

  4. Gore Vidal: America's permanent war agenda:

  5. What Are Banks Doing with Their Depositors' Money?

  6. Economists: Another Financial Crisis on the Way
    Nonpartisan Group Led by Nobel Winner Calls for Stronger Financial Reforms

  7. Scientists reveal driving force behind evolution
    February 25, 2010

    Scientists at the University of Liverpool have provided the first experimental evidence that shows that evolution is driven most powerfully by interactions between species, rather than adaptation to the environment.

  8. Keiser Report №21: Markets! Finance! Scandal!

  9. BBC America Tonight 7pm EST: Palast Hunts the Vulture

    Tuesday, March 2, 2010

    By Greg Palast

    Special Report for BBC World News America
    Broadcasting TONIGHT at 7pm EST on BBC America

    Some vultures have feathers, but some have fancy offices and huge homes. Tonight, BBC investigative reporter Greg Palast follows the trail of one "vulture fund" chief, from a locked office door in New York to mud-brick houses in Africa.

  10. Underwood's Challenge, Federal Sentencing Reform

  11. This is different.

  12. Where is my barf bag ? These Rethug idiots want so bad to made Ronnie RayGun a saint of fascist conservatism.

    Proposal would put Ronald Reagan's face on the $50 bill
    Rep. Patrick McHenry's bill to replace Ulysses S. Grant's image with the 40th president's generates controversy.
    By Richard Simon

    March 3, 2010

    Reporting from Washington - Ronald Reagan is honored by, among other things, an airport, a freeway, an aircraft carrier and -- ironically for a critic of big government -- one of the biggest federal buildings in Washington.

    Now, some of the late president's admirers are launching a new effort to add another honor: printing his likeness on a $50 bill in place of Ulysses S. Grant's.

    In polls of presidential scholars, Reagan consistently outranks Grant, said Rep. Patrick T. McHenry (R-N.C.), who introduced legislation to make the change.,0,6008759.story

  13. September 1, 2009, 2:47 pm
    The California Wildfires Seen From Space

    Photo at link,

  14. Google Responds To Privacy Concerns With Unsettlingly Specific Apology

  15. Did I go to far saying the head of the Kids for Cash Judges' "Taint Team" is Ron Jeremy? I hope people know when I'm kidding.

  16. Many dollars for green jobs from the government stimulus program are going into the pockets of workers in China not the USA workers.

  17. Pennsylvania drill baby drill for gas.

  18. The 2009 Financial Report Of The U.S. Government Is Out - America's Economic Goose Is Cooked

    The 2009 Financial Report Of The U.S. Government has finally been released, and the news is not good. It basically confirms much of what we already know - that the United States government is a complete financial mess. The U.S. government budget deficit for 2009 was a record-setting 1.417 trillion dollars. The total liabilities of the U.S. government rose from 12.178 trillion dollars at the end of 2008 to 14.123 trillion dollars by the end of 2009. At their present rates of growth, the interest on the national debt and spending on entitlement programs will gobble up almost every single dollar of federal revenue by the end of the decade. Throughout the report, the word "unsustainable" is repeatedly used. The authors of the report understand that the U.S. government simply cannot keep spending and borrowing like it has been recently. But if the U.S. government slows down this reckless spending even a little bit it could literally plunge the U.S. economy into a deflationary depression. In fact, even with all of the "bailouts" and "stimulus packages" there are many who would argue that we are already in a depression. In any event, the authors of the report make it clear that the United States government is facing a financial crisis of unprecedented magnitude.

    Much more at link,

  19. Reagan is the symbol of the start of everything that's going on today.

  20. An alien took that picture from outer space?

  21. Ammunition for political adversaries,

    Although Barack Obama and other Democrats touted the $787 billion stimulus package as a way to create green jobs that would put Americans back to work, new reports show the spending package has mostly created green jobs for foreign workers.

    U.S. Department of Energy statistics show 79 percent of the $2.1 billion in stimulus money allocated for wind energy has been paid to foreign manufacturers.

    The Spanish company Iberdrola has received $443 million; the Portuguese company EDP has received $229 million; and the British company Terra Firma, which bought a large wind farm in western Pennsylvania, received $42 million.

    Analysts worry the stimulus funds will also help create manufacturing jobs in China, and a Texas consortium’s plans to build a wind farm that primarily will rely on Chinese-made turbines using $450 million in stimulus money underscores this fear.

  22. Bingo. Even a solar panel panel plant that is being built where i live is owned by China.
    I live in the friggin desert. ARIZONA. This is all a globalized scam to take us further into the abyss of Chimerika.

  23. co-counsel, William Ruzzo and Arthur Donato will now be making big bucks off the backs of the kids. Kids for cash, spread the wealth around!

  24. the United States government is a complete financial mess.

    And the republicans are still spouting their lower tax mantra! The two repugs vying for California Governor are hammering the no new and lower tax angle. Yet at the same time claiming they will improve the schools.

    Fuck, the district my wife works in closed two schools last year and will close two more after this semester. Maintenance staff has been cut to the bone, class size has gone from 24 to 32 or more and they just sent pink slips to 605 teachers and assistants warning that they could be laid off after this semester.

    Other districts around here are in as bad a shape or worse. Community college fees have risen 10 fold or more over the past 10 years and the state colleges are out of control - beyond the means of most students.

  25. Oh - between the 2 of them the repugs have put over $35million dollars into their campaigns. Jerry Brown, who announced his candidacy today has spent $6million. Meg Whitman has put $12million of her own money into her campaign. Nothing like blatantly buying the Governorship! A billionaire, she sits there and tells us how she is going to work for us - the working class...

    Ya, sure - you know where you can stick it biotch!

  26. Israeli novel with parallels to Dubai killing a hit in Germany

  27. Ron Jeremy

    LMAO - I saw the photo but it didn't click. I thought you were serious and was going to comment about how smarmy he looked. Then I saw your comment about it being a joke and forgot about it.

    I just went back up your page and the photo again caught my eye, now looking somewhat familiar so I did a search on him.

    OMG... he was one of the main characters in that weird sci-fi move I saw about the porn film crew trapped at a backwoods cabin being hunted by an alien. His character was bumped off early when he was taken over by the alien, but first he became a crazed sex-fiend, killing one of the girls with his penis during oral sex. There is kind of an explosion at which point he is thrown backwards across the room. The other characters first check out the girl - dead, then turn to Ron and discover his penis is gone. Ron dies shortly thereafter and the remainder of the movie is the alien monster (Ron's dismembered penis) stalking and killing the rest of the characters.

    There is no sex shown in the movie and only one shot of one of the girls topless in panties.

    It was so horribly bad yet so friggin funny, about six of us, mixed company, were rolling on the floor laughing. It was so bad we couldn't stop watching.

  28. Wow - they even have a website:

  29. Hal Turner took the stand today in his federal trial and accused the FBI of instructing him to make violent and racist statements. The North Bergen, New Jersey, radio talk show host is on trial for allegedly threatening three Chicago-based federal appeals court judges. In June of 2009, Turner said the judges “deserved to be killed” for a ruling they made in a gun control case.

    In more than two hours of testimony, Turner described how he was recruited in 2003 by the FBI’s Newark-based Joint Terrorism Task Force. He said he was paid “in excess of $100,000” by the FBI during his almost five years as an informant, according to The Record.

    “National Security Intelligence” asset Hal Turner.

    In more than two hours of testimony, Turner described how he was recruited in 2003 by the FBI’s Newark-based Joint Terrorism Task Force. He said he was paid “in excess of $100,000” by the FBI during his almost five years as an informant, according to The Record.

  30. I saw the "Taint Team" part of the article, and I thought: "Holy shit! Don't they know what that means? This is like TeaBaggers!" Then, of course, I remembered that classic Mr. Show Taint skit, like a 70's porno movie like that one with Mark Wahlberg. I forget the name of that movie. Burt Reynolds was in it, it was really good. Then, of course, I thought the head of the Taint Team should be Ron Jeremy! LOL!

  31. Mr. Show: GloboChem

  32. Something crashed on to the surface of Mars the roving lander takes a close look.

    Photos at link,

  33. From Black Swan on Mish's blog:

    If you look at the TARP payouts from AIG, they match up almost perfectly with those big banks that donated $300 million each to keep LTCM afloat in 1998. In fact, right before the actual bailout, AIG, Goldman Sachs and Buffet offered to buy out the LTCM fund's partners for $250 million, and offered to dump in an additional whopping $3.75 billion so that Goldman's traders could operate the LTCM hedge fund. Who would have guessed at the time, that AIG would some day be on the other end of the bailouts? Ultimately, Bankers Trust, Barclays, Chase, Credit Suisse First Boston, Deutsche Bank, Goldman Sachs, Merrill Lynch, J.P.Morgan, Morgan Stanley, Salomon Smith Barney and UBS kicked in $300 million each, and Société Générale kicked in an additional $1.25 million.

    To figure out why some banks recieved more than others from AIG, it helps to look at the consolidations. Bankers Trust (talk about an oxymoron) was swallowed up by Deutsche Bank. Chase was engulfed by JP Morgan which had already been sucked up by Chemical Bank (which took the JP Morgan name), Merrill Lynch was "purchased" by Bank of America and Salomon Smith Barney became the step child of Citigroup. Barkley's, of course, dined on what was left of Lehman Brothers, which had donated $100 million to the LTCM bailout cause in 1998. This AIG reward money theory is my own. I've never read it anywhere, but I have read that Bear Stearns was allowed to fail because the IB refused to kick in a dime to save LTCM. I believe that if anybody really researched it, my AIG reward theory would hold up. It got me believing in the international banking conspiracy. If you don't believe in the international banking conspiracy, it's hard to explain why all those European banks were gifted with billions of US taxpayers dollars through the AIG bailout scam.

  34. BD: Have you seen this?

  35. The IMF always tests its concepts on the little guys before rolling out the strategy to the biggest dogs. Here is the precursor to the US selling its National Parks:

  36. Oh, those asshole Luddite taxed-enough-already moron Republicans:
