Thursday, March 25, 2010

Big Dan's Big News March 25, 2010

Montage of health care debate - rightwing/GOP threats:

Why aren't any of the Republicans' amendments repealing "Death Panels"? PROOF that there was no such thing!

Special Commentary by Big Dan: "I have seen enough election cycles to realize that when there's a Republican president and administration, you're 'patriotic' and you should 'obey the government'. And when there's NOT a Republican president, then 'we need to take our country back' and even violence against the government is 'OK' and you're 'patriotic' for NOT obeying the government. I saw it happen when Clinton was president, the same EXACT thing. When the president isn't a Republican, then all laws they make are 'un-Constitutional' and majority doesn't rule and you hear the words 'founding fathers' a lot. When there's a Republican president, all the laws they make are 'good for you', when it's NOT a Republican president, they're 'shoving laws down our throats'. It's the SAME EXACT THING, over and over. But you know what? The same things are said about Republican administrations, even more so, it's just that the people against the government don't get voices in the corporate owned media they want us to think is liberal, so it SEEMS like Americans think it's fascism only when there's not a Republican president and administration. It just SEEMS like it's more crisis when it's not the Republicans in power because of their media monopoly. Turn on your radio and who is on but Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Mike Savage, and every rightwinger you can think of. Turn on your TV and who is on but Dick Cheney, Liz Cheney, Newt Gingrich, any available Republican even though they're in the minority, and every fringe rightwing lunatic. Pick up your newspaper and did you WON'T see there was an immigration protest in Washington DC last Sunday that had over 200,000 protesters because it received virtually ZERO coverage in the mainstream media. And the day before that? A huge anti-war protest in DC that received virtually ZERO coverage in the 'liberal media' (lol). When Sarah Palin spoke at a Tea Party in February in front of 600 people, THREE CHANNELS CARRIED IT LIVE!!! Folks, there's enough Americans of all stripes angry at all presidents and administrations from BOTH parties, but I think there were far more when Bush was president...but you wouldn't know it from the mainstream corporate owned media that wants us to think they're liberal. Just about everyone I know is FOR the health care bill, and would like it to go even further towards single payer or free health care for all American citizens from birth to death. But you wouldn't think that, watching the mainstream media focusing on a few Tea Partiers and the minority Republican Party. The right has a 'NOISE MACHINE' in place, THEY are always on it calling it 'liberal', THEY OWN it, it's not a 'bunch of liberals' who OWN the mainstream media, and they want us to think it's 'liberal' and not realize the SHAM of the 'liberal media'. It's THEIR media! About five corporations OWN the mainstream media, and the last time I checked, corporations aren't liberal! Republicans and rightwingers are IN THE MINORITY, but the 'NOISE MACHINE', THEIR media they want us to think is 'liberal',  makes everyone think they're in the majority at all times even if it isn't true."

Congressman tries to raise money for yelling ‘baby killer’ during health debate

On the heels of health care, a new Harris poll reveals Republican attitudes about Obama: Two-thirds think he's a socialist, 57 percent a Muslim—and 24 percent say "he may be the Antichrist."

Boehner last week: Driehaus (D-OH) could be a "dead man"

A Fireside Health Reform Chat With My Right-Wing Mom

Just what we all thought: While tea party activists have described themselves as political free agents disgusted with both parties, a new poll by Quinnipiac University shows that a majority have a close connection to the GOP.

Tea Party Gun Threats, Spitting, Black Slurs, Gay Slurs

(see my David Frum posts from yesterday, too!!!)

Former George W. Bush speechwriter David Frum has resigned from the right-wing American Enterprise Institute, Frum announced on his Web site Thursday afternoon -- a move which suggests the conservative movement has cut ties with Frum over the straight talk he has been providing all week.

David Frum, AEI SPLIT: Conservative's Position 'Terminated' By Major Think Tank

Psycho Talk! - G. Gordon Liddy

The totally ignored much larger protest: Immigrants in US push for change

Keiser Report №28: Markets! Finance! Scandal!

BOO!!!!!! Another fake CIA/Mossad tape from dead Osama Bin Laden:

Here's the new original acoustic music my daughter's boyfriend just put up on his MySpace page:

Jason Vo Acoustic


  1. A video grab from an undated footage from the Internet shows Al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden making statements from an unknown location.


  2. What gets me about the media is all the "Average Joes" they show giving patently false information. Such as people on the street who they ask about the health care issue and reply with "Most Americans don't want health care to change." Not an informed answer, but rather some talking point. I've seen it many times when in fact surveys have shown over 80% of Americans do in fact want change.

    It applies to all kinds of subjects, throw up an "Average Joe" and spout whatever is convenient. People will associate with "Joe" more easily than some politician or actor.

  3. I just got the news that the wine storage facility I did has been certified LEED - Gold!

    LEED = Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design.

    It was looking like they would only get Silver, but my air conditioning design for the warehouse came in even better energy wise than I had expected giving them the additional point they needed to get Gold.

    LEED encompasses the whole building to make it more energy efficient and environmentally friendly. Not only does it stress measures to reduce energy use, but also calls for locally produced renewable materials - within 500 miles, recycled materials, low environmental impact, and habitat preservation. (The building was reconfigured three times and moved on the property to preserve existing vernal pools. New wetland areas were created on the property to replace the area occupied by the building.)

    Sorry to toot my own horn, but after two and a half years in development and eight months in construction to find that my design moved them into the Gold category is exciting news.

    The owners also received over $250,000 in credits from PG&E under their Savings by Design program based on the energy savings produced by the design.

    I'm working on a new post for my Photo Gallery pertaining to the wine storage building. I'll let you know when I post it.

  4. The dead speak: another Bin Laden video -

  5. the media needs medical attention

  6. did W or didn't he?
    question of the day.


  8. Blogger commenting all wacky today...

  9. I am an avid follower of internet blogging. My interest runs deep and wide when it concerns the Democratic mindset, which is...gimme...gimme...gimme. Who on earth is gonna pay for this damned health care program anyway? I am sick of this game that you democrats are playing, and you can rest assured that the next administration will be REPUBLICAN. Frankly, I am tired of working 15-18 hours a day, only to come home half dead, just so the lazy demos can get their health care benefits on my dime. What they say is is what you make it. You should have PLANNED for health care. I certainly did. My job as manager of a floor waxing/buffering company provides me with excellent health care. I work for it. I get it. I earned it. Nobody ever gave me anything for free. So I think those folks who are uninsured should do some intense soul-searching, and work for your benefits. The country would be a lot better off.

  10. Why are the Republicans calling for a return to slave breaking?

  11. Kaiser Kuo on China internet censorship row

  12. Bush Wipes Hand On Clinton's Shirt After Shaking Hands With Earthquake Victim In Haiti

  13. Here's my daughter's boyfriends new original acoustic music he just put up on myspace:

  14. The single most RANDOM scene in a movie EVER! From Cabin Fever.

  15. More on the rightwing "think tank" of "scholars" and "experts" that fired David Frum:

    David Frum and the Closing of the Conservative Mind
    Bruce Bartlett

    As some readers of this blog may know, I was fired by a right wing think tank called the National Center for Policy Analysis in 2005 for writing a book critical of George W. Bush's policies, especially his support for Medicare Part D. In the years since, I have lost a great many friends and been shunned by conservative society in Washington, DC.

    Now the same thing has happened to David Frum, who has been fired by the American Enterprise Institute

  16. Chomsky alleged in an interview that the Obama officials don't truly mind the settlements but simply prefer that they be overseen by a gentler Israeli leader.

  17. Obvious propaganda from AP:

    CIA had birthday cake ready for suicide bomber that killed 7

    That story is as silly as the new Bin Laden tape.

  18. So, I'm curious: why did the "birthday cake" story come out months after the original story? You expect me to believe, that the CIA, months later, said: "Oh, yeah! There was a birthday cake there!" And they forgot this at the time of the original story. Months later they think it's important to tell us this. Does this make any sense at all? The CIA "recalled" months later, that they had a birthday cake for this guy. WE BETTER TELL THE PRESS ABOUT THE BIRTHDAY CAKE! (months later)

  19. You know what's funny? I swear when I posted some of these comments, the other comments I now see here were not there! Because some of you posted things I posted, before I did, and I always look at the comments first.

  20. I swear when I posted some of these comments, the other comments I now see here were not there!

    What is really strange is that Blogger commenting was doing the same thing last night. 99 and I had a conversation about it last night at her place and what is even stranger is that all of those comments are gone this morning. I have yet to contact her to see if she edited them out, maybe she did.
