Sunday, March 21, 2010

Big Dan's Big News March 21, 2010

CLEARLY...clearly, you can now see the difference between the Tea Party and other REAL protests against corrupted power: where were the Tea Partiers for this big anti-war protest??? I can only assume they are "OK" with the wars and the 2.5 BILLION tax dollars a week going into the black holes of Iraq & Afghanistan, and the million Iraqi's killed (90% civilians), the tens-of-thousands of American soldiers killed or disabled...ALSO, note how the corporate owned media that wants us to think they're liberal IGNORES LARGER LIBERAL PROTESTS in favor of the MUCH SMALLER RIGHTWING TEA PARTY!!!

As congressional debate on health care reform comes to a close and the House of Representatives is nearing a vote on the Senate’s health care legislation, one group that has been getting more than its fair share of media attention has been the far-right tea party. As a small number of protesters gathered on Capitol Hill yesterday to demonstrate against the passage of health care legislation, the major media outlets gave obsessive coverage to the group:

Think Progress: While Giving Obsessive Coverage To The Tea Parties, Media Ignored Larger Anti-War Rally...(bd: and immigration reform rally)

Saturday anti-war protest: 5 anti-war protesters arrested in rally near White House

THOUSANDS of protesters marched through the nation's capital Saturday to urge immediate withdrawal of troops from Iraq and Afghanistan.

WORLDWIDE anti-war wouldn't know it, would you? If you just watched TV?

GOP Congressmen Admit Most Republicans Think Iraq War Was a Mistake

Update: ANOTHER HUGE protest in Washington DC the next day: 200,000!!! Seriously watch how the mainstream media gives these HUGE protests any air time vs. the tiny Tea Party protests, like the one with Sarah Palin that had 600 people and was covered LIVE ON THREE CABLE NETWORKS!!! This is what I'm big on: PROVING over and over and over again, that the corporate owned media isn't liberal. Just keep comparing these things, how the corporate owned mainstream media they want us to think is liberal, is covering these things. Now's your chance: there's Tea Party (rightwing) protests, and anti-war and immigration (leftwing) protests going on at the same time. THE LEFT-WING PROTESTS ARE FAR BIGGER!!! Is the mainstream media treating them accordingly??? FURTHERMORE, the anti-war protests are WORLDWIDE, not just the huge ones in the United States! I will prove DAILY, if I have to, the SHAM of the "liberal media", as Chomsky says in the video below in this post. I bet our local WILK ignores these huge protests and talks about the Tea Party...

Sunday: 200,000 protesters in DC for immigration reform

Here they are! I found the Tea Partiers! They're calling Democrats "NIGGER" and "FAGGOT" and mockingly throwing dollar bills at a guy with Parkinson's Disease!!!

Tea Partiers menace Congressional Dems with name-calling: ‘NIGGER, FAGGOT'

Hey Tea Partiers: the REAL anti-government protest was the anti-war protest...not this guy with Parkinson's Disease! And, of course, compare the corporate owned "news" they want us to think is liberal, of the coverage of the anti-war protest vs. the coverage of the Teabaggers!

The GOP operation FOX "news" Megyn Kelly breathlessly reported every movement and rallying cry of the protesters, declaring at one point: “Fox News alert! … Protesters are outside and, now we are getting word, inside the U.S. Capitol!”:

The corporate owned mass media is FOR the wars, they're for CONSTANT NEVER-ENDING WAR because they OWNERS of the mainstream media OWN corporations making obscene profits from constant war: Manufacturing Consent for the elites, the wealthiest few, the military industrial complex, and corporations...all the while trying to make us think they're "liberal".

Flashback Sept . 14, 2006: Media ownership study ordered destroyed

Propaganda networks that conduct "psychological warfare" for the Pentagon have been in vogue for a long time. Mike Furlong, a senior Pentagon official who is now being investigated for running a covert network of contractors to supply information for drone strikes and assassinations in Afghanistan and Pakistan, had a long history of working in this field.

The Pentagon's Propaganda Networks – Part 2

Below: Full of shit...again...the Scranton Diocese: one-trick ponies only worried about abortion; the WHOLE WORLD could be crumbling around them, and they're only worried about abortion, that's all that counts. They rush to comment about the health care bill, but hush up pedophilia cases for decades and move the perpetrators around instead of giving justice to the victims. Why don't they cover all their members with health care, btw? Maybe they'd get their numbers back up:

No health care for YOU, sayeth Jesus!...and keep voting REPUBLICAN! Holy Christ! I just realized, we need to shut down a few more churches around here! Quick, get on the horn to Century 21 Real Estate, CHOP CHOP!!!

Does the Scranton Diocese have to wonder why they're flock is dwindling and they're shutting down churches left and right in this area? They continually come down of the opposite side that I and a growing number of others are always on and publicly chastising Democrats such as Patrick Kennedy and Senator Casey...all the while covering up pedophilia cases reaching as high as the Vatican, worldwide as well as in the United States and right here in our own NEPA backyard. Then they wonder why their membership is dwindling and they're always shutting down churches here. It's because people like ME think they are full of shit! Get this, they said: "Cardinal Justin Rigali, apostolic administrator for the diocese, and bishop-designate Joseph C. Bambera urged 'members of Congress who represent districts in the Diocese of Scranton to vote against the current bill and instead work toward needed health care reform that will truly protect the life, dignity and health of all.'"...neglecting to note that this bill will cover 32 million more Americans, of which 45,000 a year die due to lack of health insurance. YOU GUYS ARE FULL OF SHIT!!!

Scranton Diocese Reaffirms why I do NOT go to church: they're against the health care bill...

Bishops Dismiss Other Catholic Groups: We’re The Only Ones Able To Understand Health Care Policy

Hitler would be proud! "I Vant ZOUSAND Dollar ver VROLLING SCHTOP!!! AUCHTUNG! ZE BLINKER LIGHT IZ KAPUT!!!"

Does the government need money? Forget about the 2.5 BILLION a week we're spending in Iraq and Afghanistan for 9 years, or Bush's several-hundred BILLION dollar tax cuts for the extremely rich...RAISE TRAFFIC FINES ON THE LITTLE GUYS!!! Don't worry, they'll probably have a payment plan for your $750.00 speeding fine!

Cash-Strapped State Governments Hike Traffic Fees

Bill Maher 3/19 Monologue & New Maher with Dennis Kucinich on his health care vote switch:


  1. This thread is turning into one hell of a repository of links and facts:

  2. Hoyer Encourages Focus on Teabaggers, Helps Distract from "Godawful" Insurance Reform, He Says

  3. Fact Sheet: The Truth About the Health Care Bill

  4. With the health care bill, I'm for it because the question is "this or nothing", not "this or single payer".

    I think if it doesn't pass, we should just put all the Republicans back in, because what's the difference if they're in power or not? I also think this is a start. Great things of the past started like this. They weren't great right off the bat.

  5. This whole health care vote drama looks "made for tee vee."

    It smells of theater - and I still don't believe it will pass, for some yet to be revealed reason.

  6. TalkingStick March 21st, 2010 at 10:38 am


    Please consider deep sixing this diary. It is obviously spamming the rantings of a couple of conspiracy theorists whose agenda is as they say to get this stuff on as many blogs as possible.. It is I think an embarrassment to FDL to have it and the one by the same author that preceded it online.

  7. Look at this anti-semitic jerk here "plunger" or whatever:

    Former Marine & Director of US Army War College Says Mossad Did 9/11

  8. Federal Reserve Must Disclose Bank Bailout Records (Update5)

  9. Missing Links - 911 - Dancing Israelis



  12. BD; I doubt that this Hc adjustment will ever be looked at again for a very long time, if at all.
    This bill should have been one page, and one page only.
    MEDI-CARE FOR ALL. Or, Socialized Medicine for all, as i like to call it.
    This was the only true answer, where it would have been cost effective.
    Obama spent and lost most of his political capital farting around with this.
    They never, ever had single payer, or public option in mind.
    This was, and is written by the Ins. Corps.
    So now they can not deny you coverage. LOL. yA but at what cost? Premiums will keep rising.

  13. While Giving Obsessive Coverage To The Tea Parties, Media Ignored Larger Anti-War Rally

  14. Agreed. And they NEVER mention the trillions spent on war when they talk about cutting government spending.

  15. So what does maceqerman say about that?

  16. I think this is better than doing nothing, it covers 32 million more Americans. That means ACCESS for 32 million more Americans. Just don't pay the bills, get the ACCESS. The next step is single payer, that's what I'm for.

    If the CHOICE is this bill or nothing, I'll take this bill. I'm in the Kucinich and Grayson camp. Yes, it's not nearly the best possible bill, it should be one page: health care for all. We'll still be working on that, it doesn't stop with this bill. In Pennsylvania, we are on the cusp of passing single payer. All other states will follow, because all the businesses will relocate to Pennsylvania otherwise.

    That's how it happened in Canada: Saskatchewan started it, and the other provinces had to follow because businesses and people started moving to Saskatchewan.

    I'm hoping this bill SAVES MORE LIVES than are presently being saved, and I think it will do that.

  17. What's REALLY sad, is as you say, how Obama actually said he was for single payer, Clinton did too AFTER he got out of office. And now was the time, and Obama blew it. I actually think Obama could've passed single payer if he pushed it. It was the time, it would have happened.

    But we'll see what happens from here. We're trying to take care of it on the state level.

  18. I think we'll see what "develops". I find this odd: it's on a Sunday, the SAME WEEKEND AS HUGE ANTI-WAR AND IMMIGRATION protests. Does anyone else find that peculiar??? Those two protests, the anti-war and immigration protests Saturday and Sunday, were two of the biggest protest in recent memory, totally ignored by the mainstream media btw...maybe they "scheduled" this vote on the same weekend on purpose??? Some coincidence, otherwise.

    I actually saw an article that Steny Hoyer was glad all the media attention was on the Tea Party "nigger/faggot" guys.

  19. With the health care bill, I use indirect logic, too, a lot. Rush Limbaugh and the GOP and FOX "news" are breathlessly against I'm thinking it's better than WE think. The media is focusing on the Tea Partiers (the SMALLEST protest group this weekend), and they're against the health care maybe it's better than WE think. So the mainstream media is obviously against the health care maybe it's better than WE think. Indirect logic. The enemy of my my friend (?).

  20. Dennis Kucinich and Alan Grayson are two of the people in congress I trust, I can count the people I trust in congress on ONE hand. They voted for the bill...with reservations. They said, like I said, it saves lives.

    One thing I think is overblown: if you don't take the health care, you'll get a fine. AGAIN...I use this example: I would GLADLY be FORCED by the government to be covered by health care vs. having NO HEALTH CARE or $1,000.00/month SHITTY health care...which is the case right now.

    What remains to be seen, will be the cost to me, which I will post when it happens.

    OK, so right now, if this bill doesn't pass, my options are: NO HEALTH CARE or SHITTY $1,000.00/month health care.

    I can't see the FORCED govt health care being $1,000.00/month for two people. NO WAY!!! That's my prediction: it will be NOWHERE NEAR $1,000.00/month for me.

    And don't forget about the ACCESS to the "best health care system in the world" - when you have NO health care, you have NO access. If I'm forced to have health care, I then have ACCESS to the "best health care system in the world". AFTER I get that access, I can then not pay the bill if I don't want to or can't afford the bill. But at least I got the ACCESS. Right now, I do not have the ACCESS. I am refused because I have no health care. Is anyone thinking of this?

  21. I'm replying to myself...I NEED MENTAL HEALTH CARE ACCESS!!!!!!!!!

  22. Hey, did anyone see the part of this post on the Diocese of Scranton? Did anyone realize how much I rail on these guys? They must really hate me! I swear! I'm always frying them BAAAAAAAAAAAD! Remember Bishop Martino?

    There's MORE indirect logic: if the Catholic Church is against the health care bill, I AM FOR IT!!!!!!!!

    If Rush Limbaugh is against it, I AM FOR IT!!!!!!!!!

    That's TWO good bellweathers!

    If the Republicans are 100% against ANYTHING...I AM FOR IT!!!!!!!!!!

    THREE great bellweathers!

    If all the people I hate are against it in LOCKSTEP, I don't even have to read the bill! What do you think of THEM apples???


  23. How Privacy Vanishes Online

  24. GOP Rep. Nunes Excuses Racist, Homophobic Tea Partier Slurs As A Response To ‘Totalitarian Tactics’

    Here's what I have to say about that: were people yelling "nigger" and "faggot" at the MUCH LARGER anti-war protest and immigration protest on Sat/Sun??? No. The right reeks of racism and homophobia. Period. That's where it is. Period. There may be factions of the Tea Party that are legit, but it's in the same camp as the KKK, sorry to say. Why don't they speak out against this, instead of making excuses for it? Why don't the leaders condemn this, instead of going on TV and justifying it? What does that say? It says it's "OK", that's what it says! The leaders of the Tea Party should be outraged at this behavior! Does anyone think otherwise?

  25. If you don't like this health care bill, or would rather have nothing, don't worry: Bill Kristol and the 2012 Republican president will repeal it:

    If Bill Kristol is against it, I'm FOR it...more indirect logic.

  26. A 16-year-old boy (bd: whose future ambition is to join the Tea Party...just kidding, sorry...couldn't resist!) who police said made an announcement at Walmart ordering all black people in a southern New Jersey store to leave was charged with harassment and bias intimidation, authorities said Saturday.

  27. Iraq Inquiry asks to question George Bush's senior officials
    The Chilcot Inquiry into the Iraq War could take an explosive new twist after it emerged that leading figures in George Bush's administration have been asked to give evidence to it.

    There's a beautiful must-see picture of Condi Rice smiling in that post, for all you Condi Rice fans!

  28. More of my litany: why are the health insurance companies spending millions in advertising to defeat the health care bill? Because they just want to flush money down the drain for no reason at all?

  29. Rove, like a typical Republican, rants all over the debate and doesn't let the person he's debating get a word in edge wise:

    If Karl Rove is against this bill, I am FOR it! Rove holds up a white board ala Glenn Beck.

    Of course, we know, Karl Rove has all our best interests and is trying to save us from the health care bill.

    Karl Rove: the voice of reason. Rove "loses it" on TV.

    The Democrats are going to "lose big" if this health care bill passes.


    What kind of bullshit is this "if they bill passes, we're going to beat the Democrats" crap? They're going to try and win the elections by hook or by crook NO MATTER care bill, no health care bill, etc...

  30. I know that plunger LOVES Karl Rove, and if Karl Rove is against the health care bill, that's good enough for plunger! (lol)

    plunger knows Karl Rove has all Americans best interest at heart.

  31. I have a REALLY good question: why is Karl Rove on TV? Instead of say a PRESENT Republican strategist like Michael Steel for example? Or ANY present Republican? Same goes for Newt Gingrich, Dick Cheney...the whole Bush gang, why are they all over TV and they're not in power anymore and hold NO ELECTED OFFICE right now??? Liz Cheney? Do they own the television channels or something? How do they get on TV ALL THE TIME??? Who puts them on TV? People who aren't even in office anymore, and say a PRESENT senator like Bernie Sanders you never see on TV? Or Al Franken? wtf?

    Can someone compare the TV time of Franken/Sanders to Cheney/Rove???

  32. POLITICS: The Pentagon's Propaganda Networks – Part 2
    By Pratap Chatterjee*

    WASHINGTON, Mar 18, 2010 (IPS) - Propaganda networks that conduct "psychological warfare" for the Pentagon have been in vogue for a long time. Mike Furlong, a senior Pentagon official who is now being investigated for running a covert network of contractors to supply information for drone strikes and assassinations in Afghanistan and Pakistan, had a long history of working in this field.

  33. See? The fight will still go on:

    HR 4789 and The Public Option: The Way Forward

  34. Karl is still on GHW's Shadow Government payroll, and always was. They control the media.

  35. Cash-Strapped State Governments Hike Traffic Fees

    My daughter drifted over the lane divider line on the freeway and then corrected. A highway patrol officer was behind her and pulled her over and cited her for an unsafe lane change.

    The ticket was $125. When she went in to pay it she found that with additional court fees, processing fees and fees to collect the fees the total was $285.
