Monday, February 15, 2010

Big Dan's Big News Feb 15, 2010

American public not informed of Ahmadinejad's anti-war remarks by the American corporate media.

Those who control the media, control the country...the problem is: THE LIBERALS DON'T CONTROL THE MEDIA!!!

...American corporate media (the NOT liberal media we're supposed to think is liberal) only tells the American public things Ahmadinejad says that will stoke up a war with Iran or complete falsehoods.

Corporate owned American not liberal media totally ignores story of Ahmadinejad calling for worldwide nuclear disarmament and saying the A-Bomb is "inhumane". Wake up! The mainstream media is OWNED by and works for the interests of: corporations (that OWN them), the wealthiest few Americans, and the military industrial complex.

Iran - the reported and the unreported

Two days ago, there wasn't a media source in the U.S. which didn't report on President Ahmadinejad's speech on "Revolution Day", which included his claim that Iran could, if they wanted to, enrich uranium to 80%, and this somewhat belligerent sounding remark (were it not for the sentence which follows it):

"The Iranian nation is brave enough that if one day we wanted to build nuclear bombs we would announce it publicly without being afraid of you," Ahmadinejad said, addressing Iran's Western enemies.

He told the crowd, "When we say that we don't build nuclear bombs, it means that we won't do that because we don't believe in having it."

Yesterday Ahmadinejad had more to say. When you read it, you won't be surprised that not a single Western source has reported it:

"We believe that not only the Middle East but also the whole world should be free of nuclear weapons because we see such weapons as inhumane," Ahmadinejad said in an interview with Russia's NTV channel.

"Today, no one can use a nuclear weapon and we believe that the US is taking a wrong move by stockpiling nuclear weapons," Ahmadinejad stated.

He stressed that the nuclear weapons no longer have efficiency, noting the US that possesses nuclear weapons will never achieve victory in Iraq and Afghanistan.

"Those who claim that they are against nuclear weapons should dismantle their nuclear weapons first to prove that they are honest," the Iranian president said.

US media omission: Iran calls for global nuclear disarmament is the only American media to cover the story:

Iran President: Era of Nuclear Weapons Over. Ahmadinejad calls for worldwide nuclear disarmament

Iran president: Era of nuclear weapons over

Ahmadinejad: We believe A-bomb is inhumane

Turkey reports it, but not the American corporate media:

Ahmadinejad Calls For Global Nuclear Disarmament

Here's more, The Ahmadinejad “Israel must be wiped off the map” corporate media FOLKLORE:

Across the world a media story has spread that Iran’s President Ahmadinejad has threatened to destroy Israel, by saying that, “Israel must be wiped off the map.” Contrary to general belief, this statement was actually a misinterpretation. However, it was the Islamic Republic News Service in Iran that first mistranslated the quote. Iran’s Foreign Minister attempted to clarify the statement, but the quote ended up having a life of its own in the corporate media. (a "convenient" misinterpretation? at least a media retraction of this "misinterpretation" never came forth! What made the Project Censored list, is that the corporate media censored the fact that it was a misinterpretation and that he never said it!)...

# 24 Media Misquotes Threat From Iran’s President, in Top 25 Censored Stories for 2008 by Project Censored

FLASHBACK: Media ownership study ordered destroyed - 'Every last piece' destroyed

Have you seen these protests at the Vancouver Olympics? I didn't think so...they're not the TeaBaggers protesting for health care companies:

On February 13, 2010 the Heart Attack March took to the streets of Vancouver aimed at blocking the vital transportation routes for the Winter Olympics, or as the organizers put it, "blocking the arteries of capitalism." Protesters largely overwhelmed Vancouver police until riot squads moved in to suppress the demonstrators. This video shows scenes from the day and talks to participants about what happened and why they were on the street.

U.S. sought attack on al-Qaida - White House given plan days before Sept. 11

Evidence now available from various sources, including recently declassified United States State Department documents, shows that the Taliban regime led by Mullah Mohammad Omar imposed strict isolation on Osama bin Laden after 1998 to prevent him from carrying out any plots against the United States.

New 9/11 photos 'prove WTC exploded from inside'

New picture releases are shedding light on September 11th, some say they prove that the assault on America proves a homegrown attack. The new photos are provided by US national institute of standards and technology. There are over 2,000 new photos that have been made public. Manny Badillo says that you see an explosion from the inside, not what it has seemed to be, he says there has never been a building taken down by a plane.

Lebanon rally marks Hariri killing

Israel fighting 'delegitimisation campaign'

NYTimes: Wall St. Helped to Mask Debt Fueling Europe’s Crisis

Collapse of the euro is 'inevitable': Bailing out the Greek economy futile, says FRENCH banking chief

The GOP operation called FOX "news" continues assault on workers and unions (just like Rush Limbaugh), setting up infomercials with shill "experts" parading as "news" but really speaking on behalf of corporations and the wealthy:


  1. New picture releases are shedding light on September 11th, some say they prove that the assault on America proves a homegrown attack. The new photos are provided by US national institute of standards and technology. There are over 2,000 new photos that have been made public. Manny Badillo says that you see an explosion from the inside, not what it has seemed to be, he says there has never been a building taken down by a plane.

  2. This is not the first time Iran has called for nuclear disarmament!

  3. Here's my insight into the "news":

    The corporate owned TV media is NOT liberal and speaks for the wealthy, the military industrial complex, and corporations.

    FOX "news" is actually a GOP operation.

    MSNBC's Maddow/Olbermann/Schultz are the only corporate owned channel exposing GOP lies that are allowed unchallenged on every other network. They may not be perfectly what you want, but they serve this important purpose that didn't exist.

    And news that's on channels that do not have commercials and are publicly funded like Free Speech TV and LINK-TV are really liberal news. And notice, they look nothing like ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN whom we are told are "liberal".

    Exactly WHO is telling us ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN are "liberal"?

    And WHY do they want us to think they're "liberal"?

    Those are TWO important questions I'd like to know the answers to.

    WHO is telling us the mainstream media is liberal? A few are: Rush Limbaugh, anyone on FOX "news the entire channel in fact, anyone who watches FOX "news", and the whole gang Bill Kristol, Coulter, Malkin, Hannity, O'Reilly, etc... THEY are the ones telling us the MSM is liberal.

    Theres several important points people need to understand:

    1. The media isn't liberal. (anyone with half a brain who puts even a little time into it knows this, this is the easy one)

    Here's the two hard ones:

    2. WHO is telling us the MSM is liberal?

    3. WHY do they want us to think it's liberal?

    Can anyone answer 2 & 3?

    Real liberals aren't on what's called the "liberal media", what they want us to think is the "liberal media". It's important to know why they ignore the liberals, then define the middle as liberal, and have the nation starting from that point: the middle are liberals (Obama, the Democrats, etc...). The MSM then has the entire nation thinking from center to right, with the left totally ignored. People like: Cynthia McKinney, Noam Chomsky, Howard Zinn, Dennis Kucinich, Ralph Nader, Mike Gravel...they are MISSING from the MSM on purpose.

    Because they are MISSING, they have to get us to think the middle are the liberals, or it would be too obvious the game they're playing.

  4. CPAC, the conservative yearly convention who recently had the likes of Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter as speakers, is "getting hip" for the Young Republican Conservatives with Steven Baldwin!

    Young hipster Republicans: come one, come all!!!!!!! Being Republican is WAAAAAAAAY COOOOOOOOL NOW!!!!!!!!!

  5. A City Mobilizes Against Neo-Nazis,1518,678069,00.html

  6. Five Million Workers to Exhaust Unemployment Benefits by June

    Back in December, the qualification dates for existing tiers of unemployment benefits were extended for an additional two months. Time is up at the end of February.

    Now another extension is needed or millions of workers will lose benefits over the next few months.

  7. The significance of insignificance, just a dot in the cosmos.

    Blow it up to full size screen for best viewing. (Bottom right box - four red arrows.)

  8. Paul Wellstone, Mike McConnell, - Bush computer guru, and John Kennedy Jr.

    High energy zap gun to fry electronic components - shutdown engines of autos, planes, helicopters. Is this beyond development phase and causing small planes to fall out of the sky ?


    At this point in time, 32 U.S. Representatives are retiring.

    [edit] Democratic incumbents (14 incumbents)

    Alabama's 7th congressional district: Artur Davis: To run for Governor of Alabama.[10]

    Arkansas's 1st congressional district: Marion Berry: Retiring due to health concerns. [11]

    Arkansas's 2nd congressional district: Vic Snyder: Retiring to spend more time with family.[10]

    California's 33rd congressional district: Diane Watson: Retiring [6]

    Florida's 17th congressional district: Kendrick Meek: To run for the U.S. Senate.[12]

    Hawaii's 1st congressional district: Neil Abercrombie: To run for Governor of Hawaii.[13]

    Kansas's 3rd congressional district: Dennis Moore: Retiring; "Time for a new generation of leadership."[14]

    Louisiana's 3rd congressional district: Charlie Melancon: To run for the U.S. Senate.[15]

    New Hampshire's 2nd congressional district: Paul Hodes: To run for the U.S. Senate.[16]

    Pennsylvania's 7th congressional district: Joe Sestak: To run for the U.S. Senate.[17]

    Rhode Island's 1st congressional district: Patrick J. Kennedy: Retiring to "[take] a new direction."[18]

    Tennessee's 6th congressional district: Bart Gordon: Retiring; "'s time for a new chapter"[19]

    Tennessee's 8th congressional district: John S. Tanner: Retiring, reasons not known.[20]

    Washington's 3rd congressional district: Brian Baird: Retiring, to pursue other options.[21]

    [edit] Republican incumbents (18 incumbents)

    Arkansas's 3rd congressional district: John Boozman: To run for U.S. Senate.

    Arizona's 3rd congressional district: John Shadegg: Retiring to pursue other interests.[22]

    California's 19th congressional district: George Radanovich: Retiring to put family obligations first.[23]

    Delaware's At-large congressional district: Michael Castle: To run for U.S. Senate.[24]

    Florida's 12th congressional district: Adam Putnam: To run for Florida Commissioner of Agriculture.[25]

    Florida's 21st congressional district: Lincoln Diaz-Balart: Retiring to do law practice.

    Georgia's 9th congressional district: Nathan Deal: To run for Governor of Georgia.[26]

    Indiana's 4th congressional district: Steve Buyer: Retiring due to wife's illness

    Illinois's 10th congressional district: Mark Kirk: To run for U.S. Senate.[27]

    Kansas's 1st congressional district: Jerry Moran: To run for the U.S. Senate.[28]

    Kansas's 4th congressional district: Todd Tiahrt: To run for the U.S. Senate.[29]

    Michigan's 2nd congressional district: Peter Hoekstra: To run for Governor of Michigan.[30]

    Michigan's 3rd congressional district: Vern Ehlers: Retiring [7]

    Missouri's 7th congressional district: Roy Blunt: To run for the U.S. Senate.[31]

    Oklahoma's 5th congressional district: Mary Fallin: To run for Governor of Oklahoma.[32]

    South Carolina's 1st congressional district: Henry E. Brown, Jr.: Retiring to spend more time with his family. [33]

    South Carolina's 3rd congressional district: J. Gresham Barrett: To run for Governor of South Carolina.[34]

    Tennessee's 3rd congressional district: Zach Wamp: To run for Governor of Tennessee.[35]

    Retiring Democratic Senators (5 seats)

    Christopher Dodd of Connecticut

    Ted Kaufman of Delaware

    Roland Burris of Illinois

    Evan Bayh of Indiana

    Byron Dorgan of North Dakota

    Retiring Republican Senators (6 seats)

    George LeMieux of Florida

    Sam Brownback of Kansas

    Jim Bunning of Kentucky

    Kit Bond of Missouri

    Judd Gregg of New Hampshire

    George Voinovich of Ohio

  10. Sorry, McConnell was a typo, it is Mike Connell.

  11. Coming soon to a too big to fail bank near you,

    Bomb goes off at JP Morgan offices in Athens
    16 Feb 2010 18:17:54 GMT
    Source: Reuters
    ATHENS, Feb 16 (Reuters) - A bomb exploded outside the JP Morgan offices in Athens on Tuesday, causing minor damage to the building, police said.

    There were no immediate reports of injuries.

    "It was a time-bomb at JP Morgan's offices in central Athens," a police official said. "The explosion damaged the outside door and smashed some windows."

    The official said police cordoned off the area after a local newspaper had received a warning call. (Reporting by Renee Maltezou)
