Saturday, February 16, 2008

"Coiffure de fromage"; The Famous Hairy Burger King "Fish" Sandwich

Well, here it is, Fab Blogger fans! Yesterday at lunch, I got a "BK Big 'fish'"
sandwich at lunch in Pittston, Pa. I brought it home to eat because Little De was there, I got her some french fries. I bit into the BK Big "fish" sandwich, and felt something "fishy" in my mouth...and it wasn't the "fish"! I began pulling out of my mouth, what seemed to be a hair. I kept pulling and pulling and pulling, it turned out to be over a foot long black hair! I've been telling fab bloggers about it for about a day, well here it is!




Yes! It's so long, I wrapped it in circles! That circular thing in the picture is a giant black hair that was baked into the "fish" sandwich! I called the manager and he said, "No one here has long black hair"!

I was going to get a "meat" sandwich, but I got the "fish" sandwich instead...BAD IDEA!!!

"Where can we get one of those, Big Dan?" At your local Burger King! Of course!

Update: I have confirmation that Morticia Adams of the Adams Family works at the Pittston, Pa. Burger King...the manager lied!!!


  1. Are you from the Pittston area?

  2. yes (how do you like my timely reply: 6 mos)
