The government & media terrorists perpetrate another hoax on us, surreal interviews on the network terrorists' "news" channels where supposed victims' supposed loved ones are immediately on TV the same day bizarrely and unemotionally calling for gun control instead of personal grieving out of the spotlight of "news" cameras. Notice the bullet items that are hit in my FALSE FLAG SHOOTING FORMULA such as: MANIFESTO surfaces, reference of other FALSE FLAGS, and many other items:
Meet the ACTOR Andy Parker:
Why is the media parading around CARROT TOP FAKER as Alison Parker's boyfriend and not telling us about THIS BOYFRIEND BELOW? They're interviewing EVERYONE, why not THIS GUY:
UPDATE: this video below just came out - a REAL shooting side-by-side with the FAKE reporter shooting, COMPARE:
If you keep buying believing this BULLSHIT, then you DESERVE to have your GUNS and LIBERTIES taken away from you by these TERRORISTS. They are TERRORISTS by the very definition of TERRORISM. They are TERRORIZING us with sensational FAKE STAGED FALSE FLAG HOAX SHOOTINGS.
And this is noteworthy: I consider myself, if categorized, as a LIBERAL in that I'm for full health care from birth to death, higher wages, a $20 minimum wage, free education, and I don't own a gun and never have owned a gun. But you GUN NUTS are getting FUCKED with these obvious STAGED FALSE FLAG HOAXES which the obvious intent is GUN CONTROL. I am all about TRUTH 24x7 I may have some purely philosophical differences with people who are on "the right", but this is what's going on and THEY ARE AFTER YOUR GUNS. That is why I have CRED with EVERYONE, because I always admit the TRUTH and welcome debate on purely philosophical differences. I have many GUN NUT friends and I am VERY GLAD they exercise their 2nd amendment rights and I am VERY GLAD they have guns and I'm sure they'd have my back against these government and media TERRORISTS with their FALSE FLAG'S. I trust my fellow 99% GUN NUT friends ANY DAY over the government & media TERRORISTS.
But my message to my GUN NUT FRIENDS is: YOU BETTER START OUTING THESE "EVENTS" FOR WHAT THEY ARE: STAGED FALSE FLAG HOAXES WITH THE INTENT OF GUN CONTROL and stop any and all gun control debates which first ASSUME these staged events actually are for real.
Here's my post exposing the FALSE FLAG/HOAX FORMULA (I have to adjust my formula to add the new twist of a BLACK RACIST "shooter" instead of a "muslim" or "white racist" "shooter"):
Lafayette Louisiana Shooting: Cut/Paste My FALSE FLAG SHOOTER FORMULA To See If It's A FALSE FLAG
– "news" immediately refers to shooter as a "LONE NUT GUNMAN" or "LONE WOLF"
– had some/all of these: confederate flag, nazi flag, 9/11 t-shirt, rightwinger/white supremacist/skinhead/etc…
– there will be a "hero" story, where someone saved some lives during the shooting
– the FBI either had prior contact with the shooter, or "fumbled the ball" on sure-fire identifying him ahead of time or stopping him from purchasing a gun, or the “lone nut gunman” was an FBI INFORMANT
– a "MANIFESTO" will come out afterwards, most likely in the "white racist" FALSE FLAG, not the "muslim" FALSE FLAG. the "muslim" FALSE FLAG will have mentions of "the QURAN" (Koran) or ISIS.
– sensatinal pictures will come out of him , if it's a "white racist", he'll have pictures with guns and confederate and/or nazi flags. if it's a "muslim" FALSE FLAG, pictures of ISIS or tweets from ISIS and sensational "TURBAN" or "NINJA" pictures will surface or "muslims" training on "monkey bars" somewhere with masks on
– no video will come out of this, even though you can't take a shit without the government or someone having a video of it
– NSA/DHS is paid BILLIONS to ID people like this ahead of time…but no one will talk about how they somehow never ID crazy lone nut gunmen telegraphing the event well ahead of time
– they will push a law such as Patriot Act, take down confederate flag, gun control, radical Islam, etc…
– somehow "jews" will come up, like he hated jews, was a nazi sympathizer, etc…
– southern poverty law center will be extensively quoted on "domestic rightwing terrorists"
– conflicting stories, multiple shooters going down to "lone nut gunman", anonymous sources, no proof, no evidence…just take the mainstream media's word for it!
– enormous amount of things that don't make sense in the story, impossibilities, videos that don't make sense, and in fact more evidence points towards the "official story" being total bullshit
– instant wrap-up of event…although they didn't see it coming
– detailed history of "lone nut gunman" emerges with lightning speed…even though they didn't see this coming
- if it's not a "rightwinger" but it's a muslim/middle easterner/former soviet bloc, adjust above accordingly, IE: he had connections to ISIS instead of to white supremacist groups, etc...
- if it's a "white racist", Southern Poverty Law Center will be widely quoted and call for "hate crimes" and "gun control".
- if it's a "muslim", SITE/Rita Katz will have "found" audio and/or video. Pam Geller is likely associated with a "muslim" FALSE FLAG, also.
- if it's a "muslim" FALSE FLAG, the "shooter" likely will have "Mohammed" or "Abdul" as part of his name, or some over-the-top muslim-sounding name. it "sells" better than if a muslim's name is GEORGE.
- no one ever happens to have a gun to defend themselves except the "LONE NUT GUNMAN"
- The ready influx (upon the scene) of many “law enforcement” personnel – all ready to perform their crisis acting parts
- big time charities set up that make millions, sometimes set up before the actual "shooting"
- surreal interviews with family, friends, witnesses in which they seem to be acting or showing no emotion or saying strange things
- pictures of flowers and funerals and people dying after-the-fact for the emotional "sell" to continue to push they "official story" and you don't question it
- the "MOTIVE" is non-existent and seemingly filled in by the media and the actual act doesn't make any sense doing it and is overly sensational (HITLER, NAZI'S, CARTOON CARICATURES OF MOHAMMED, etc...), and is NEVER a REALISTIC motive that WOULD actually make sense for a guy going nuts like: the guy's unemployment ran out and he's losing everything, he has no health care benefits and he's at his wits end with a treatable problem but he's getting no help or going bankrupt from medical bills, the state is taking his home off him,'s ALWAYS a divisive, sensational issue the aristocrats/elites would like the non-elites fighting about like racism, terrorism, etc...
They way the MEDIA TERRORISTS sell this is with EMOTION. They pull a slight-of-hand with the amount of time spent on the ACTUAL SHOOTING VIDEO vs rolling EMOTIONAL CRISIS ACTORS on TV being interviewed 24x7 like pushing an INFOMERCIAL to get you all tied up in EMOTION instead of LOGIC AND EXAMINING THE HOAX SHOOTING VIDEO which is so comically non-believable, EVEN MY WIFE DOESN'T BELIEVE IT. And that's saying a lot!!! Believe me! If my WIFE doesn't believe this one, THEY DID A COMICALLY BAD JOB on the HOAX this time.
No blood in the shooting at point blank range, the shooter walks up to the reporter, cameraman, and person being interviewed (the HOAX ACTORS) pointing a gun at them FOR AN INCREDIBLY LONG TIME AT INCREDIBLY CLOSE RANGE AND THEY DON'T SEE HIM!!! And how about NO WITNESSES! Only the 3 victims and the "shooter" were there? Now COME ON!!!
This hoax STINKS!!! They did such a COMICALLY BAD JOB, they should be EMBARRASSED!!!
But the BIGGER picture is this: our judicial branch is so corrupt and controlled, these people cannot be thrown in jail despite a MOUNTAIN OF EVIDENCE and just your pure COMMON SENSE that these government and media TERRORISTS have STRUCK AGAIN!!!
FALSE FLAG SHOOTING FORMULA BULLET ITEM: Story comes out trying to somehow link this hoax shooting to 911:
Man who shot Virginia journalists identified with 9/11 attacks
Bryce Williams' 23-page rant is filled with rage and praise
BBC journalists covering Virginia shooting 'threatened by police,' forced to delete footage
Andy Parker's LINKEDIN
Perhaps there is one aspect of this testimony that rings true, she “pretended” to be dead and did so “until first responders showed up.” Seems to me there was a lot of pretending going on at Smith Mountain Lake that morning.