Answer to the below question: because the Pentagon & 1% run the media.
UPDATE II: Once again REPUBLICANS filibuster unemployment extension, they've been stopping it since Jan 1
UPDATE III: Fake "liberal media" totally ignore Feb. 6 REPUBLICAN filibustering unemployment for the 3rd time since Jan. 1.
UPDATE: Breaking...Republicans pretend to care about life by introducing sweeping anti-abortion bill...while filibustering unemployment on non-fetuses since Jan. 1
UPDATE IV: REPUBLICAN TRAITORS in the meantime propose bill to penalize American college kids on behalf of Israel
Pentagon/military 57% of the federal budget, food stamps 1%:
I just took this snapshot of our weather here in the Northeast:
Right now in the northeast, we're experiencing a multi-week cold snap of the sorts that I cannot remember, including a Polar Vortex. It's safe to say, knowing we're experiencing extremely high unemployment, that many thousands of Americans in the northeast need their unemployment to purchase heat to keep warm. Since January 1, the unemployment extension has been filibustered by the Republicans along party lines. You need a super-majority of 60 in the senate to pass the unemployment extension, not 51-49. You need 60 votes and the Democrats hold a 51-49 advantage.
The first vote on an 11-month extension was 52-48, all 48 "NO" votes were REPUBLICANS.
The second vote on a 3-month extension was 55-45, all 45 "NO" votes were REPUBLICANS.
Unemployment Insurance Fails In The Senate
What is the "liberal media" saying about it? NOTHING:
As Pain From Unemployment Grows, Broadcast News Remains Silent
WHY isn't the "liberal media" pointing out REPUBLICANS ARE FILIBUSTERING the unemployment extension, let alone even mentioning the unemployment extension at all?
Because one of the biggest and successful MYTHS and LIES of all-time is "the media is liberal". All you have to do to win a debate on whether the media is liberal or not, is to ask any person to name these "liberals" who OWN the media...because there ARE NONE:
What do "dittoheads" brainwashed by Rush Limbaugh & FOX "news" say about it?
Here's a quote on FaceBook (I won't put the name):
"Of course they are taking longer to find job. Who wants to work if they are already getting money handed to them."
Word-for-word, right out of the mouth of Rush Limbaugh and his HALF-BILLION DOLLAR CONTRACT mouth.
Yes, rightwing media DOES work: we have a bunch of IDIOTS parroting their rightwing media idols' quotes like "The unemployed are lazy", "The unemployed don't want to work", "People on food stamps buy lobster", etc...etc...
...never mentioning 57% of our federal budget goes to MURDERING people around the world:
I got to thinking about all of this, because our furnace just broke. But we happen to have space heaters (5 of them). And we're STILL freezing. I can't imagine just flat-out running out of money and HAVING a working furnace...but having no money to buy heat for it. Say goodbye to your house, if that's the case. First your pipes will freeze and then just take it from there. But senate REPUBLICANS don't have to worry about that, they're all MILLIONAIRES.
Here's what the REPUBLICAN senate leader thinks of people in the northeast freezing to death and not having unemployment to buy heat:
Senate Minority Leader’s Spokesperson Tells The Unemployed He Has ‘No Control’ Over Their Lives
(btw...look CLOSELY at Mitch McConnell above. Is he on DRUGS or SENILE? wtf is wrong with him, he looks like he's in some kind of senile DEMENTIA. Boehner appears to be saying: "Hey, Mitch? You OK? Hello? Is there anyone at home? Can someone please call a doctor for Mitch? I think his pills ran out.)
But I have an idea: we should TRICK the REPUBLICANS and tell them it's AID FOR ISRAEL.
A Conservative Estimate of Total U.S. Direct Aid to Israel: More Than $130 Billion
We should dress up like a bunch of Israeli protesters and tell them we live in the northeast United States and we're freezing to death and put a rush on the unemployment extension:
Republicans keep going further and further RIGHT. They used to pass unemployment all the time, now they just give all our money to the Pentagon:
Congress has typically extended unemployment benefits during times when unemployment exceeds 7 percent, but efforts to pass an extension have been blocked by Republicans several times now since 2011, Speier said.
Why are we arguing about issues that were settled decades ago? Why, for example, is it so hard to extend unemployment insurance at a time when the jobless rate nationally is still at 7 percent, and higher than that in 21 states?
Yes, even George W. Bush wasn't as far-right as this fake "right to life" gang of REPUBLICANS we have now, who PRETEND to care about FETUSES and most definitely don't give a shit about some black or hispanic woman's fetus who will grow up to vote against them:
“These Americans rely on their unemployment benefits to pay for the mortgage or rent, food, and other critical bills. They need our assistance in these difficult times, and we cannot let them down.”