This goes with my last post Questions About The Boston Marathon Bombing.
(Big Dan: YOU have to be a MORON to believe this "OFFICIAL STORY". There's no hope for you. Just watch some more TV and then go back to'll believe ANYTHING! What will the mainstream media, left mainstream media, and right mainstream media do, now that we know they lie for the government all the time no matter which corrupt party is in power?)
Was Boston Bomber Radicalized at U.S.-Sponsored Workshop?
Tamerlane Tsarnaeva recruited via the Georgian Foundation. One of the organizers of the terrorist attack in Boston, studied at the workshop held in conjunction with the Georgian special services Americans
A speaker of Russian, he traveled to Russia and back on ultra-sensitive missions – supposedly without any spy services noticing. Yet it turns out that he was followed for years by the FBI! Framed for a murderous crime on a crowded street, exonerated by crime scene photographs, declared innocent by loved ones and by all who knew him, caught by police after being framed for “murdering a police officer,” gunned down by agents of the National Security State after his arrest to prevent him from proclaiming his innocence in court…haven’t we heard this story before? Are we talking about Lee Harvey Oswald – or the Brothers Tsarnaev?
It sure looks like the older brother was taken alive (and then killed?) in the big explosive hurling shootout (of which not one pic or video exists):
TV footage showed a man being led naked to a police car. A second suspect is believed to be on the run.
naked guy arrest
naked guy arrest II
naked guy arrest III
CNN: naked guy arrest
(good pictures) Did the Military and Police Go Too Far in Locking Down Boston and Conducting Involuntary Door-to-Door Searches?
Boston Bombing: What You Aren't Being Told by THE MAINSTREAM MEDIA, THE LEFT MAINSTREAM MEDIA, THE RIGHT MAINSTREAM MEDIA, left pundits, & right pundits:
Sibel Edmonds: FBI May Have Tried to RECRUIT Boston Bombers
Boston Bombers On Terrorist Watch Lists … Russia Contacted U.S. MULTIPLE TIMES Regarding Bombers
Boston Terror Narrative Starts Falling Apart. Chechen Brothers Did NOT Rob 7-11
The Bombing Suspect Didn’t Engage In a Shootout with Police, Or Shoot Himself … He Didn’t WASN’T EVEN ARMED When Hiding In the Boat
What Is False Flag Terror?
If you believe everything on the news without question, no evidence offered, you have a nice's called BLIND NATIONALISM. Greater than any of the other religions. You can question real religions...question Jesus, etc...and get less heat than questioning the news & the government.
The corporate mainstream media will NEVER, not just for this Boston Marathon story, publish any stories that differ from the official narrative. That's how an official story is developed and pushed. They will IGNORE any and all stories that call into question the official story. They will publish fact-free stories that go along with the official story. Such as: the suspect confessed. If you believe that, you have blind faith in officials, because you did not see the suspect confess. You are taking the word of officials. That's how an official story is built. You only see and hear stories in the corporate mainstream media that fall in line with the official story, all others ignored. You're watching it in real time on: THE RADIO NEWS BRIEFS, ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, FOX, MSNBC, PBS, NYTIMES, WASHINGTON POST, etc...anything "mainstream". That's how it works.
Right now they're developing: THE OFFICIAL STORY (of the Boston Marathon Bombing). Every single mainstream "news" report is about ONLY embellishing THE OFFICIAL STORY, everything else will be IGNORED.
I even saw: LONE NUT GUNMEN as a headline. You know I've been saying forever, that every "official story" ends up being: LONE NUT GUNMAN. They couldn't use the tried-and-true "LONE NUT GUNMAN" so they made it plural "LONE NUT GUNMEN". Like Lee Harvey Oswald, James Earle Ray, Sirhan Sirhan, etc...
Here's the way an "official story" is pushed: both left and right media, when something big like this Boston bombing happens, happen to both join forces and push the "official story". Your local newspapers daily syndicate the same page 1 story, which of course is the "official story". All major "news" push the same story and ignore all stories that don't fit the "official story". Then you get off-shoot stories that push the "official story", such as interviews with victims that only fit the "official story", "hero" stories that only fit the "official story", ceremonies that only fit the "official story", sports stories that only fit the "official story" such as the Red Sox "moment of silence", etc... Brian Williams and Anderson Cooper will have emotional "specials" about the bombing. That is how an "official story" is POUNDED into the American psyche.
There will be a page 1 syndicated story every single day in your local newspaper pushing the "official story" and ignoring all other stories that don't fit the "official story" narrative. If you question it, you're a "nutty conspiracy theorist" who "listens to Alex Jones". Suddenly, every mainstream left & right pundit & outlet will all be on the same side: Rachel Maddow, Rush Limbaugh, MSNBC, FOX, Huffington Post, Breitbart, etc...because it's an "official story" to a false flag. They wouldn't be big pundits or outlets if they didn't, they'd be fired.
Then those that question the "official story" are ridiculed by the "official storiers". Being on the "official story" side carries a lot of weight because the entire mainstream media apparatus is always on the "official story" side, allowing the ridicule to have power to it. The government and mainstream media are ALWAYS on the "official story" side. THEY ARE "OFFICIALS". YOU are NOT an "official". You're just some schmuck. Common comments that are rolled out are: "did you take your meds?", "what are you smoking?", "why would they do that?", "you think everything's a conspiracy theory", "tin foil hat", "nuts", "you're disrespecting the victims", etc... The same ridiculing comments that are brought out for questioning ANY "official story" such as 911, Sandy Hook, the Batman Shooting, the Boston Marathon bombing, etc... Some newer cliches that I've noticed rolled out lately are: "Alex Jones" and "internet sleuths", accusing anyone of questioning an "official story" of blindly being an Alex Jones fan, even if they're not.. Btw, do you see ONE Alex Jones link in this post? The mainstream media will ridicule those who question the "official story". Outlets that appear "left" and "right" will SUDDENLY all be on page with the "official story".
I think an ENORMOUS amount of people are onto the bullshit "official story"s in the mainstream media. The mainstream media includes both left & right, too, btw. The mainstream media left & mainstream media right always are on the same page with "official story"s, ever notice this? They pretend fight left & right, but when it comes to something like the Boston Marathon "official story", Rush Limbaugh & Rachel Maddow & the whole left & right gang, FOX & MSNBC, WOW! They're suddenly all on the same page with ANY "OFFICIAL STORY"!
It's called the CONTROLLED LEFT MAINSTREAM MEDIA & THE CONTROLLED RIGHT MAINSTREAM MEDIA. MSNBC & FOX split on issues such as gay marriage, etc...but MSNBC then gets people on the left to believe an "official story" and FOX gets people on the right to believe an "official story".
They are ALWAYS ON THE SAME PAGE when it comes to government "official story"s, no matter WHO is in power (Democrat or Republican). Which leads to the conclusion that Democrats & Republicans are also fake left & fake right, in the same way MSNBC & FOX are fake left and fake right.
That's how it works. Or they wouldn't be on TV. And they get an ENORMOUS % of the population blindly believing an "official story" because they get both left and right viewers.
Here's how you know they're building an "official story": they say, "NEW DETAILS ARE EMERGING. The "new details" always ignore all other stories except the "official story" they're building.
CNN "journalist" confronted, this says it all about the mainstream media:
Here is a PLANTED PROPAGANDA STORY: "“Boeing landing gear” Found After 12 Years At Ground Zero Near Ground Zero Mosque (of course, near THE GROUND ZERO MOSQUE!). If you believe that, you should either seek psychological help and you have blind faith bordering on religion in U.S. "news" and government OR just watch some more TV and forget about all this stuff.
Adam Kokesh does a great rant: Grow Up America -
Boston Terror Updates & Developments-April 24, 2013, Wednesday, 24. April 2013, CIA MO Not the FBI, Contradictions from Dagestan, Recent Shooting Incident in Dagestan, Georgia-NATO-Russia & More
Actors, Directors and Bloody Squibs: Was the Boston Bombing Pure Hollywood?
Is this possible (below)? To have your pants blown off by a bomb and not have a scratch below it, and have such a PROFESSIONAL picture taken of you:
How The Boston Bombing Is Already Being Exploited To Introduce Tyranny: Martial Law Conditioning
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
Thursday, April 18, 2013
Questions About The Boston Marathon Bombing
(Do you question the things you're seeing on mainstream TV/newspapers/radio news briefs & talk shows, like I do in this post? If not, why not? Believe "OFFICIALS" and their "OFFICIAL STORY"s at your own peril! My son was in Boston on the day of the bombings. As good as I am at detecting false flags, I should've seen this one coming a mile away: April 15 tax day? Boston Marathon? I should've warned him not to go to Boston. Nothing happened to him, thank God. But you are risking your own life, if you believe "OFFICIAL STORY"s told by "OFFICIALS". It will be your own fault, if something happens to you, for having blind faith at a religious level in the "news" and "officials", and calling intelligent people who question officials and their official stories: "nutty conspiracy theorists". Blindly believe the "news" and "officials", and you may become the victims of one of their false flags, if you don't learn about how it works.)
Are the FBI/CIA/MOSSAD the #1 suspects? YES, as always. They have proven this to me since 911.
The key point in this post is the fact that the FBI is behind every single "terror plot" in the U.S. since 911, as you will see from both left & right independent media (NOT the mainstream media). Keep that in mind while you're watching the 24x7 TERROR TERROR TERROR on CNN & FOX.
And are you OK with several thousand military & police & government shutting down Boston looking for a 19 year old and providing no evidence that he's the Boston Bomber? And then when they catch him, they don't read him his Miranda Rights? I guess this shows who's REALLY for big government or not, if you're "OK" with all of this. Funny how people against big government act differently when something like this happens in real time, how they switch their minds and are "OK" with it.
Over the years, I realize there are 3 types of people:
Yes or No:
(article in today's Sunday papers)
Are you buying that the suspect brothers in the Boston Marathon bombing hijacked a car, rode around with the victim to ATM's, and said to the owner of the car (quote): "WE DID THE BOSTON MARATHON BOMBING AND WE KILLED A POLICE OFFICER"?
Then let him go, after spilling the beans on every aspect of what happened?
Also, the article said they ended up in TWO vehicles when there was the "shootout". How and why did they end up in separate vehicles?
How was the younger brother, in a separate vehicle, able to drive while gravely wounded from the shootout?
If the brothers were in two separate vehicles, were they shooting and "hurling explosives" from different spots? Why were they not together? If they were in the explosive hurling shootout together, how is it they left in separate vehicles?
If they were two vehicles, how did the one brother run over the other one? Apparently the one brother was not in a vehicle, or he couldn't have gotten run over. Then why did they say they had two separate vehicles?
U.S.A.! U.S.A.! U.S.A.!
Why would they be "hanging around Boston", let alone hijacking a car and spilling the entire beans to some bozo and then let him go? I mean.......COME ON!!!!!!!!!!!
That is so ludicrous, you have to be a naive moron to believe that.
EXACTLY HOW IS IT that the brothers ended up in two separate vehicles at the big explosive hurling shootout with cops (no footage or pictures btw) and one brother ended up running over the other brother?
How is it there's no footage of the big shootout, when everyone has a cell phone camera nowadays? Does some footage exist and I just don't know about it?
Another question: "news" reports say the suspect that is alive was "UNABLE TO COMMUNICATE" due to injuries. Then how did the NEGOTIATOR NEGOTIATE with him, as other "news" report said a negotiator was negotiating with him?
Look at this article, it says all this in your SUNDAY NEWSPAPER:
Crowds gather at scene of Watertown shootout as Boston marks Dzhokhar Tsarnaev’s capture
U.S.A.! U.S.A.! U.S.A.! Patriotic INSTA-CROWDS who always show up in the "news" for events like this
Now here is the most far-fetched part of the story, among all the far-fetched parts:
The suspects decided to hang around Boston, carjack a guy, drive him around, spill the beans of the entire operation to him (even thought they got away) by saying to him, “We did the Boston Marathon bombing and we killed a police officer”......THEN LET HIM GO!!!
Read it yourself:
“We did the Boston Marathon bombing and we killed a police officer”
The "suspect" is "unable to communicate" and is being treated by "Israeli doctors". I wonder how the negotiator communicated with him, btw?
Israeli Doctors Are Treating Boston Bombing Suspect: New Details on His Condition
FBI Caught in a Web of Lies in Boston
Please help us ID them. Oops, we already knew exactly who they were.
Do you believe the suspect's MOTHER...or the "news" and "officials"? The mother and aunt and father say this is a setup. Then why is the "news" filtering only family quotes from THE UNCLE who seems to be on the "OFFICIAL STORY" side?
Suspect's Aunt:
There were MANY people at the Boston Marathon who left bags. Why aren't they investigating ALL of them? Why did they key on only these two suspects you see in the "news"?
Did you see ANY evidence - ONE SHRED - as you're bombarded with the chase of the two suspects...THAT THEY DID THE BOMBINGS? I'll answer it for you: NO.
Boston Bombing Culprits Identified?
Navy SEALs Spotted at Boston Marathon Wearing Suspicious Backpacks?
FBI Ignores Men With Backpacks At Scene of Boston Bombings
Why aren't they investigating these guys or even telling us about them, only their two suspects, which they provide zero proof to us that they did the bombings:
“Contractors” at Boston Marathon Stood Near Bomb, Left Before Detonation. Seen across street after blasts talking with FBI bomb squad. Who were they? What were they and the FBI doing?
Were The “Black and Tan” Men at the Boston Marathon National Guard Civil Support Teams?
Sandy Hook stars seen at Boston Marathon
Photos: Private military operatives hired to 'work' the Boston marathon with black backpacks, radiation detectors, tactical gear
Listen to Lieutenant Colonel Potter Please
NYTimes: Terrorist Plots, Hatched by the F.B.I.
TerrorStorm - (2nd Edition) - A History of Government Sponsored Terrorism [FULL]
Lid of Boston Marathon pressure cooker bomb was found on sixth floor rooftop of hotel 35 yards away - and guests thought it was a hubcap
Reality Check: Did the FBI know about Boston bombing beforehand? - Ben Swann
Boston Marathon Witness Interview: Police Told Us Bomb Drill Was 'Training Exercise'
So the FBI, the most corrupt organization in the world along with the CIA & Mossad, released images of "suspects". This makes me laugh so hard, it's off the charts! LOL! So, do you believe the FBI? The organization behind EVERY SINGLE TERROR ACT IN THE U.S. SINCE 911?
FBI gives its agents images of TWO Boston bombing 'suspects': Hunt for men seen wearing back-packs near the marathon finish line before terror attack
So what do you think of this? Like the guy doing the video says, here it is, YOU tell ME what exactly is going on here:
So, what's going on HERE, too:
Lots of people, including me, find it odd that cheering "USA! USA! USA!" insta-crowds appear at events like this, with people blindly, almost in tears, thankful for our government's actions. If the city's in a lockdown and people are told to stay in their homes, how do these crowds then seem to appear, just perfect for TV. Why didn't the NBC reporter say: "HOW COME YOU PEOPLE AREN'T IN YOUR HOMES AS INSTRUCTED? THERE'S A LOCKDOWN". These INSTA-CROWDS ironically are always thankful the government protected them, although in reality if you think about it, THEY DIDN'T:
Freudian slip? @0:25 "WE PLANNED THIS INCIDENT, LIKE WE DO EVERY INCIDENT IN BOSTON" ~ Boston Police Chief -
Another of many famous Freudian slips: Donald Rumsfeld says Flight 93 was "shot down."
If the FBI is behind every "terrorist plot" in the U.S. since 911, don't you think they're behind the Boston Marathon bombing? Especially since the "suspects" mother (first video in post) said the FBI was in contact with her son for years?
I found another video to add to my FAKE TERRORISM video montage:
The FBI Fosters, Funds and Equips American Terrorists
And here's the ole' FAKE TERRORISM video montage, as true to day as years ago when I made it:
America has become a cesspool of immorality, wherein the spiritually inclined individuals must disavow the crimes of our nation in order to advance to a far more divine realm, where the wanton killing of children does not occur.
US Senate declares the entire USA to be a "Battleground".
The Radiation Warnings You Won’t Get from the Mainstream Propaganda Machine
Does anyone find it off-the-charts that the House passed CISPA amidst two huge bombings?
I'm throwing this out there: WACO - IS THIS A MISSILE???
Are the FBI/CIA/MOSSAD the #1 suspects? YES, as always. They have proven this to me since 911.
The key point in this post is the fact that the FBI is behind every single "terror plot" in the U.S. since 911, as you will see from both left & right independent media (NOT the mainstream media). Keep that in mind while you're watching the 24x7 TERROR TERROR TERROR on CNN & FOX.
And are you OK with several thousand military & police & government shutting down Boston looking for a 19 year old and providing no evidence that he's the Boston Bomber? And then when they catch him, they don't read him his Miranda Rights? I guess this shows who's REALLY for big government or not, if you're "OK" with all of this. Funny how people against big government act differently when something like this happens in real time, how they switch their minds and are "OK" with it.
Over the years, I realize there are 3 types of people:
1. Those who simply blindly believe every word "officials" say, even with the "officials" providing zero evidence of what they're saying and there being actual evidence that the "officials" are lying. There is no difference between this and blind belief in a religion. In fact, it TRUMPS blind belief in a religion, it is GREATER than blind belief in a religion. The favorite cliches of people in this category are phrases such as: "WHY WOULD THEY DO THAT?", "HOW CAN THAT MANY PEOPLE KEEP A SECRET?", "YOU THINK EVERYTHING IS A CONSPIRACY", "YOU'RE DISRESPECTING THE DEAD'S FAMILIES BY QUESTIONING THE 'OFFICIAL STORY', "YOU'RE A CONSPIRACY THEORIST/TIN FOIL HAT/ALIENS/ELVIS/NUT/CRAZY", "DID YOU TAKE YOUR MEDS?", "YOU HATE AMERICA", "YOU LOVE 'THE TERRORISTS'", "IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT, MOVE TO ANOTHER COUNTRY", and other phrases along those lines. Keep in mind, they never provide PROOF why they believe "OFFICIALS", they just say these phrases. And they roll out these phrases ALL THE TIME LIKE CLOCKWORK. As well as genuine idiots in this category, SHILLS are also in this category. They actually KNOW the "officials" are lying, but pretend to be other genuine idiots in this category. They are called SHILLS. SHILLS roll out the same phrases as the genuine idiots. People in this category are responsible for the whole psychological formula of: "OFFICIALS", "OFFICIAL STORY", & "CONSPIRACY THEORY" jargon. "OFFICIALS" are the 1% who control everything including the media and by definition, THEY can only say what is the "OFFICIAL STORY" simply because they are the "OFFICIALS" (no evidence needed of the story, kind of like way back when KINGS said what is SO, because GOD gave them the power, and don't question it), and if you don't believe the "OFFICIAL STORY" they tell, you are a "CONSPIRACY THEORIST". If two people tell the two stories, the "OFFICIAL STORY" is the story told by "OFFICIALS" simply because they are "OFFICIALS". The story told by the person who is NOT an "OFFICIAL", gets the official tag "CONSPIRACY THEORY" simply because they are not an "OFFICIAL". The genuine idiots portion of this crowd, although they play the fake left/right paradigm radio & TV game, they ALWAYS BELIEVE "OFFICIALS" FROM EITHER PARTY WHEN IT COMES TO HUGE EVENTS. IE: genuine Republican idiots on the right believe Obama/Team 6 killed Osama, genuine Democrat idiots on the left believe the "OFFICIAL" 911 story. Genuine Republican idiots believe CNN's Boston Marathon bombing coverage, and so on and so on..........
2. Those who know "officials" lie, but still fall for it in REAL TIME as it's happening live on CNN & FOX. Many of these people will end up realizing they've been lied to in real time, but only after time has passed. They still fall for everything in real time. They slip into the category "1" above, when a big false flag event is happening in real time. They will actually, along with the people in category "1", attack the people in category "3" below when the event is actually happening...although after time they will apologize and say "You were right again" to the people in category "3" after some time passes.
3. Those of us who are at the highest level: you can easily, clearly see in REAL TIME (like this Boston Marathon bombing) that "officials" are lying. These conclusions are based on intelligent questions, evidence, logical thinking, and NOT having blind trust in "officials". People in this category can actually PREDICT things, because they've learned the formulas of the "official liars".
Yes or No:
(article in today's Sunday papers)
Are you buying that the suspect brothers in the Boston Marathon bombing hijacked a car, rode around with the victim to ATM's, and said to the owner of the car (quote): "WE DID THE BOSTON MARATHON BOMBING AND WE KILLED A POLICE OFFICER"?
Then let him go, after spilling the beans on every aspect of what happened?
Also, the article said they ended up in TWO vehicles when there was the "shootout". How and why did they end up in separate vehicles?
How was the younger brother, in a separate vehicle, able to drive while gravely wounded from the shootout?
If the brothers were in two separate vehicles, were they shooting and "hurling explosives" from different spots? Why were they not together? If they were in the explosive hurling shootout together, how is it they left in separate vehicles?
If they were two vehicles, how did the one brother run over the other one? Apparently the one brother was not in a vehicle, or he couldn't have gotten run over. Then why did they say they had two separate vehicles?
U.S.A.! U.S.A.! U.S.A.!
Why would they be "hanging around Boston", let alone hijacking a car and spilling the entire beans to some bozo and then let him go? I mean.......COME ON!!!!!!!!!!!
That is so ludicrous, you have to be a naive moron to believe that.
EXACTLY HOW IS IT that the brothers ended up in two separate vehicles at the big explosive hurling shootout with cops (no footage or pictures btw) and one brother ended up running over the other brother?
How is it there's no footage of the big shootout, when everyone has a cell phone camera nowadays? Does some footage exist and I just don't know about it?
Another question: "news" reports say the suspect that is alive was "UNABLE TO COMMUNICATE" due to injuries. Then how did the NEGOTIATOR NEGOTIATE with him, as other "news" report said a negotiator was negotiating with him?
Look at this article, it says all this in your SUNDAY NEWSPAPER:
Crowds gather at scene of Watertown shootout as Boston marks Dzhokhar Tsarnaev’s capture
U.S.A.! U.S.A.! U.S.A.! Patriotic INSTA-CROWDS who always show up in the "news" for events like this
Now here is the most far-fetched part of the story, among all the far-fetched parts:
The suspects decided to hang around Boston, carjack a guy, drive him around, spill the beans of the entire operation to him (even thought they got away) by saying to him, “We did the Boston Marathon bombing and we killed a police officer”......THEN LET HIM GO!!!
Read it yourself:
“We did the Boston Marathon bombing and we killed a police officer”
The "suspect" is "unable to communicate" and is being treated by "Israeli doctors". I wonder how the negotiator communicated with him, btw?
Israeli Doctors Are Treating Boston Bombing Suspect: New Details on His Condition
FBI Caught in a Web of Lies in Boston
Please help us ID them. Oops, we already knew exactly who they were.
Do you believe the suspect's MOTHER...or the "news" and "officials"? The mother and aunt and father say this is a setup. Then why is the "news" filtering only family quotes from THE UNCLE who seems to be on the "OFFICIAL STORY" side?
Zubeidat K. Tsarnaeva, the Boston bombing suspect's mother, thinks this whole thing is a set up.
Business Insider says: Tsarnaeva said that Tamerlan Tsarnaev got involved in "religious politics" five years ago, and that the FBI had previously contacted her about her son's activities.
She says:
"He was controlled by the FBI, like for three, five years," she said. "They knew what my son was doing, they knew what actions and what sites on the Internet he was going [to], they used to come...and talk to me...they were telling me that he was really a serious leader and they were afraid of him."
"How could this happen?...They were controlling every step of him, and they are telling today that this is a terrorist attack," she added.
Further she says:
"FBI, they were scared of my oldest son, they always told me that he's a leader...they are afraid of him because, you know, he is a leader, he talks about Islam a lot."
"They were talking to my son, and they called me officially and they told me that my son is an excellent boy and they have no problem with him," she added. "At the same time, they were telling me that...he is getting information on really extremists...sites, so they were very, very afraid of him. So that's why I think that this is a setup."
Business Insider further says: "Tamerlan, 26, died Thursday night in a shootout with Boston Police. A manhunt is still underway for Tsarnaeva's younger son, Dzhoker, 19."
Suspect's Aunt:
There were MANY people at the Boston Marathon who left bags. Why aren't they investigating ALL of them? Why did they key on only these two suspects you see in the "news"?
Did you see ANY evidence - ONE SHRED - as you're bombarded with the chase of the two suspects...THAT THEY DID THE BOMBINGS? I'll answer it for you: NO.
Boston Bombing Culprits Identified?
Navy SEALs Spotted at Boston Marathon Wearing Suspicious Backpacks?
FBI Ignores Men With Backpacks At Scene of Boston Bombings
Why aren't they investigating these guys or even telling us about them, only their two suspects, which they provide zero proof to us that they did the bombings:
“Contractors” at Boston Marathon Stood Near Bomb, Left Before Detonation. Seen across street after blasts talking with FBI bomb squad. Who were they? What were they and the FBI doing?
Were The “Black and Tan” Men at the Boston Marathon National Guard Civil Support Teams?
Sandy Hook stars seen at Boston Marathon
Photos: Private military operatives hired to 'work' the Boston marathon with black backpacks, radiation detectors, tactical gear
Listen to Lieutenant Colonel Potter Please
NYTimes: Terrorist Plots, Hatched by the F.B.I.
TerrorStorm - (2nd Edition) - A History of Government Sponsored Terrorism [FULL]
Lid of Boston Marathon pressure cooker bomb was found on sixth floor rooftop of hotel 35 yards away - and guests thought it was a hubcap
Reality Check: Did the FBI know about Boston bombing beforehand? - Ben Swann
Boston Marathon Witness Interview: Police Told Us Bomb Drill Was 'Training Exercise'
So the FBI, the most corrupt organization in the world along with the CIA & Mossad, released images of "suspects". This makes me laugh so hard, it's off the charts! LOL! So, do you believe the FBI? The organization behind EVERY SINGLE TERROR ACT IN THE U.S. SINCE 911?
FBI gives its agents images of TWO Boston bombing 'suspects': Hunt for men seen wearing back-packs near the marathon finish line before terror attack
So what do you think of this? Like the guy doing the video says, here it is, YOU tell ME what exactly is going on here:
So, what's going on HERE, too:
Lots of people, including me, find it odd that cheering "USA! USA! USA!" insta-crowds appear at events like this, with people blindly, almost in tears, thankful for our government's actions. If the city's in a lockdown and people are told to stay in their homes, how do these crowds then seem to appear, just perfect for TV. Why didn't the NBC reporter say: "HOW COME YOU PEOPLE AREN'T IN YOUR HOMES AS INSTRUCTED? THERE'S A LOCKDOWN". These INSTA-CROWDS ironically are always thankful the government protected them, although in reality if you think about it, THEY DIDN'T:
Freudian slip? @0:25 "WE PLANNED THIS INCIDENT, LIKE WE DO EVERY INCIDENT IN BOSTON" ~ Boston Police Chief -
Another of many famous Freudian slips: Donald Rumsfeld says Flight 93 was "shot down."
If the FBI is behind every "terrorist plot" in the U.S. since 911, don't you think they're behind the Boston Marathon bombing? Especially since the "suspects" mother (first video in post) said the FBI was in contact with her son for years?
I found another video to add to my FAKE TERRORISM video montage:
The FBI Fosters, Funds and Equips American Terrorists
And here's the ole' FAKE TERRORISM video montage, as true to day as years ago when I made it:
America has become a cesspool of immorality, wherein the spiritually inclined individuals must disavow the crimes of our nation in order to advance to a far more divine realm, where the wanton killing of children does not occur.
US Senate declares the entire USA to be a "Battleground".
The Radiation Warnings You Won’t Get from the Mainstream Propaganda Machine
Does anyone find it off-the-charts that the House passed CISPA amidst two huge bombings?
I'm throwing this out there: WACO - IS THIS A MISSILE???
Friday, April 12, 2013
Even DUMMIES & IDIOTS Are Catching On To FAKE TERRORISM & THE RADIO NEWS BRIEFS & The False Left/Right Paradigm
(note: this post was written before the Boston Marathon bombing)
Special comment on the bombs in Boston today: first and foremost, since the 911 inside job by the CIA/FBI/Mossad, I always first suspect THEM once again for anything like what went on in Boston today. How can you ever NOT suspect them since 911? And bombs going off at the finish line of the Boston Marathon? We have a TRILLION DOLLAR DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY (taxpayer paid) AND SOMEONE COULD PLANT BOMBS AT THE FINISH LINE OF THE BOSTON MARATHON??? We don't need to BEEF UP SECURITY, we need to GET RID OF THE DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY! THEY STINK! What are we paying them for? That's another good reason to suspect them. And now we have TERROR! TERROR! TERROR! on THE RADIO NEWS BRIEFS & the "news". See my post about OPERATION GLADIO.
Here we go again! Our FAKE government, FAKE news, FAKE liberals (Democrats), & FAKE conservatives (Republicans) are at it again! With more FAKE terrorism, FAKE news, & FAKE left/right "fighting".
They rolled out our discredited FAKE "terrorist" Adam Gadahn for GUN CONTROL. I've mentioned and posted many videos of FAKE Jewish "terrorist" Adam Gadahn on the blog here over many years. By rolling him out for ANYTHING, it is a insult to our intelligence. It's ARROGANCE to think we're this stupid.
I've posted this video about FAKE media "terrorist" Adam Gadahn over the years, oh, about a BAJILLION times:
...and they have the NERVE to roll him out AGAIN...for GUN CONTROL:
American Al-Qaeda Intelligence Asset Adam Gadahn Rolled Out to Promote Gun Control
Just stick a TURBAN on him, and PRESTO! He's an "Al Qaeda Terrorist"! A more appropriate title would be: "DISCREDITED FAKE JEWISH AL QAEDA GUY ROLLED OUT ONCE AGAIN...THIS TIME FOR "GUN CONTROL".
They are just getting plain LAZY and ARROGANT doing this. As the title of this post says, even DUMMIES, IDIOTS, & MORAN's are catching on to this FAKE TERRORISM by our own government & mainstream media.
Watch my famous montage of the best FAKE TERRORISM videos and LEARN:
For how bad our FAKE "news" mainstream media is - ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, FOX, MSNBC, PBS, NYTIMES, WASHINGTON POST - NONE can hold a candle to THE RADIO NEWS BRIEFS. THE RADIO NEWS BRIEFS are the soundbites of propaganda that you hear 48 times a day in your car at the top and bottom of every hour, everywhere you go. All other mainstream media propaganda takes their queue from THE RADIO NEWS BRIEFS.
THE RADIO NEWS BRIEFS get a whole nation repeating and thinking about (usually) a two-word propaganda cliche at the drop of a say "NORTH KOREA". With a flip of a switch, THE RADIO NEWS BRIEFS went from brainwashing the nation about "GUN CONTROL" to "NORTH KOREA". Before "GUN CONTROL", their brainwashing soundbite was "SEQUESTER". Before that, it was "FISCAL CLIFF". And so on and so on. Some others, not in any particular order, were: "DEATH PANEL", "GROUND ZERO MOSQUE", "DEATH PANELS" name a few.
The point is, they get the entire nation repeating and thinking about their latest soundbite, but the soundbite is NEVER: "THE BANKSTERS", "THE WARS", "FAKE TERRORISM", "911 WAS AN INSIDE JOB", "VOTE RIGGING"...and ANY important issues. Their job is to DISTRACT you from them with their latest soundbite like dangling a carrot on a stick in front of the nation...ENDLESSLY. And it works! That's the sad part! NO ONE was talking about "NORTH KOREA" before THE RADIO NEWS BRIEFS said "NORTH KOREA" 48 times a day. No one even HEARD of the words "FISCAL CLIFF" or "SEQUESTER" until THE RADIO NEWS BRIEFS repeated them ad nauseum 48 times a day on any channel you tuned into.
THE RADIO NEWS BRIEFS are the propaganda BELLWETHER from which all the major "news" propaganda outlets take their queue.
So what will be after "NORTH KOREA"? It's one after another after another, and it works.
And why do the RADIO NEWS BRIEFS give us the "DOW" average? THE DOW WENT UP 5 POINTS TODAY, THE DOW IS AT 14,000. Who the fuck are they talking to? A handful of billionaire BANKSTERS?
...before that:
...before that:
I have a good question: WHAT THE FUCK IS THE "DOW"??????????? Notice: THE RADIO NEWS BRIEFS never tell you about all the oil spills that happened this last week or so, NDAA, how BANKSTERS are ripping us off and controlling our government, how these "wars" are all endless and based on lies and our troops are NOT fighting for our freedom and how half our tax money spent is on the global Military Industrial Complex, know, REALLY IMPORTANT THINGS!!!
Anyone still playing the "fake left/fake right" game they want us all to play? "Liberal" Barack Obama wants to cut social security and NOT cut the out-of-control Military Industrial Complex spending which, along with the BANKSTERS, are the two things bankrupting this country. And FAKE TERRORISM is a product of the Military Industrial Complex.
Like I've been telling you on this blog for YEARS: Democrats are the FAKE LEFT and Republicans are the FAKE RIGHT, and BOTH are MILLIONAIRES working for the 1% BILLIONAIRES.
"liberal" Barack Obama wants to cut social security and NOT cut military spending:
Why Obama Won’t Cut Defense Spending
Reality Check: Obama Cuts Social Security and Medicare by Much More Than the GOP. Obama plans to cut between $200 billion and $380 billion more from Social Security and Medicare than Republicans in the next ten years
Social security cuts: Work until you drop
Seven Chilling Facts About Retirement in America That Should Make Obama Tremble Before Cutting Social Security and Medicare
The Grand Betrayal has Arrived: Bill Black: President Obama's bargain with Republicans opens the door to Wall St.'s dream - the privatization of Social Security:
Cornel West Explains Why It Bothers Him That Obama Will Be Taking The Oath With MLK's Bible
"conservative" Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania: authors most restrictive GUN CONTROL legislation ever -
Gun Owners of America Director: Boot Toomey Out of Office
Schumer-Toomey-Manchin gun bill allows the creation of federal gun registry
Everything's FAKE, folks! Our government is FAKE. Our "news" is FAKE. The democrats are FAKE liberals. The Republicans are FAKE conservatives. Our entire government is RIGGED and are a bunch of MILLIONAIRES working for a few BILLIONAIRES (and the Military Industrial Complex and BANKSTERS).
Good people on the right: stop thinking Republicans are going to save you.
Good people on the left: stop thinking Democrats are going to save you.
Everyone: the "news" is controlled by the same people who control the Democrats & Republicans.
Until Americans stop getting distracted by the Republican versus Democratic melodrama, America will move steadily forward towards war, empire and — inevitably as with any country which extends too far — collapse.
Did you notice no one from EITHER party is introducing legislation to label GENETICALLY MODIFIED FOODS (GMO's)??? What does that tell you about the two parties, if a recent poll said over 90% of Americans want GMO labeling of foods?
And while THE RADIO NEWS BRIEFS were busy distracting you with "NORTH KOREA", there were HUGE MAJOR OIL SPILLS all over the U.S. and Exxon got this commercial BANNED from TV...THUS PROVING what I said: the 1% control the news & TV:
Here's MORE damning our FAKE GOVERNMENT & FAKE MEDIA: they passed CISPA "closed door":
'Obey': Film Based on Chris Hedges' 'Death of the Liberal Class'
British filmmaker Temujin Doran has released a new movie that is based on the book "The Death of the Liberal Class" by Truthdig columnist Chris Hedges. The film, titled "Obey," explores the rise of the corporate state and the future of obedience in a world filled with unfettered capitalism, worsening inequality and environmental changes.
Warning: Viewers may find some of the clips in the film disturbing.
Thought for the day: I was watching MeTV, they play old shows 24x7. The Lone Ranger was on. I remember when I was a kid, all the kids pretended they were The Lone Ranger or Robin Hood. How come no one talks about The Lone Ranger or Robin Hood anymore? I know why: they took from the rich and gave to the poor, they helped the oppressed against the oppressors, they stood for everything that was good. They were patterned after Jesus, I suppose. I suppose all 3 of them now would be labelled socialist communists by the media. That is why we don't talk about them anymore.
The Lone Ranger's sidekick was an Indian: Tonto. So The Lone Ranger was against racism. Many of The Lone Ranger episodes, I noticed, are what nowadays we call "FALSE FLAGS": people would dress up like Indians and cause death and destruction to "blame the Indians". Many old shows really explained what we nowadays call "FALSE FLAGS". So The Lone Ranger was against false flags. The evil rich people were the ones always doing the false flags, just like they are now. Things really haven't changed at all and we think false flags are something new.
Barack Obama is no Lone Ranger. No president has been a Lone Ranger since JFK, and the people really running this country took care of that at that time and going forward til this day. And guess what they did? Ironically: a FALSE FLAG, they blamed a PATSY Lee Harvey Oswald.
Special comment on the bombs in Boston today: first and foremost, since the 911 inside job by the CIA/FBI/Mossad, I always first suspect THEM once again for anything like what went on in Boston today. How can you ever NOT suspect them since 911? And bombs going off at the finish line of the Boston Marathon? We have a TRILLION DOLLAR DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY (taxpayer paid) AND SOMEONE COULD PLANT BOMBS AT THE FINISH LINE OF THE BOSTON MARATHON??? We don't need to BEEF UP SECURITY, we need to GET RID OF THE DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY! THEY STINK! What are we paying them for? That's another good reason to suspect them. And now we have TERROR! TERROR! TERROR! on THE RADIO NEWS BRIEFS & the "news". See my post about OPERATION GLADIO.
Here we go again! Our FAKE government, FAKE news, FAKE liberals (Democrats), & FAKE conservatives (Republicans) are at it again! With more FAKE terrorism, FAKE news, & FAKE left/right "fighting".
They rolled out our discredited FAKE "terrorist" Adam Gadahn for GUN CONTROL. I've mentioned and posted many videos of FAKE Jewish "terrorist" Adam Gadahn on the blog here over many years. By rolling him out for ANYTHING, it is a insult to our intelligence. It's ARROGANCE to think we're this stupid.
I've posted this video about FAKE media "terrorist" Adam Gadahn over the years, oh, about a BAJILLION times:
...and they have the NERVE to roll him out AGAIN...for GUN CONTROL:
American Al-Qaeda Intelligence Asset Adam Gadahn Rolled Out to Promote Gun Control
Just stick a TURBAN on him, and PRESTO! He's an "Al Qaeda Terrorist"! A more appropriate title would be: "DISCREDITED FAKE JEWISH AL QAEDA GUY ROLLED OUT ONCE AGAIN...THIS TIME FOR "GUN CONTROL".
They are just getting plain LAZY and ARROGANT doing this. As the title of this post says, even DUMMIES, IDIOTS, & MORAN's are catching on to this FAKE TERRORISM by our own government & mainstream media.
Watch my famous montage of the best FAKE TERRORISM videos and LEARN:
For how bad our FAKE "news" mainstream media is - ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, FOX, MSNBC, PBS, NYTIMES, WASHINGTON POST - NONE can hold a candle to THE RADIO NEWS BRIEFS. THE RADIO NEWS BRIEFS are the soundbites of propaganda that you hear 48 times a day in your car at the top and bottom of every hour, everywhere you go. All other mainstream media propaganda takes their queue from THE RADIO NEWS BRIEFS.
THE RADIO NEWS BRIEFS get a whole nation repeating and thinking about (usually) a two-word propaganda cliche at the drop of a say "NORTH KOREA". With a flip of a switch, THE RADIO NEWS BRIEFS went from brainwashing the nation about "GUN CONTROL" to "NORTH KOREA". Before "GUN CONTROL", their brainwashing soundbite was "SEQUESTER". Before that, it was "FISCAL CLIFF". And so on and so on. Some others, not in any particular order, were: "DEATH PANEL", "GROUND ZERO MOSQUE", "DEATH PANELS" name a few.
The point is, they get the entire nation repeating and thinking about their latest soundbite, but the soundbite is NEVER: "THE BANKSTERS", "THE WARS", "FAKE TERRORISM", "911 WAS AN INSIDE JOB", "VOTE RIGGING"...and ANY important issues. Their job is to DISTRACT you from them with their latest soundbite like dangling a carrot on a stick in front of the nation...ENDLESSLY. And it works! That's the sad part! NO ONE was talking about "NORTH KOREA" before THE RADIO NEWS BRIEFS said "NORTH KOREA" 48 times a day. No one even HEARD of the words "FISCAL CLIFF" or "SEQUESTER" until THE RADIO NEWS BRIEFS repeated them ad nauseum 48 times a day on any channel you tuned into.
THE RADIO NEWS BRIEFS are the propaganda BELLWETHER from which all the major "news" propaganda outlets take their queue.
So what will be after "NORTH KOREA"? It's one after another after another, and it works.
And why do the RADIO NEWS BRIEFS give us the "DOW" average? THE DOW WENT UP 5 POINTS TODAY, THE DOW IS AT 14,000. Who the fuck are they talking to? A handful of billionaire BANKSTERS?
The Radio News Briefs: THE LATEST DOW IS 14,000,
...before that:
...before that:
I have a good question: WHAT THE FUCK IS THE "DOW"??????????? Notice: THE RADIO NEWS BRIEFS never tell you about all the oil spills that happened this last week or so, NDAA, how BANKSTERS are ripping us off and controlling our government, how these "wars" are all endless and based on lies and our troops are NOT fighting for our freedom and how half our tax money spent is on the global Military Industrial Complex, know, REALLY IMPORTANT THINGS!!!
Anyone still playing the "fake left/fake right" game they want us all to play? "Liberal" Barack Obama wants to cut social security and NOT cut the out-of-control Military Industrial Complex spending which, along with the BANKSTERS, are the two things bankrupting this country. And FAKE TERRORISM is a product of the Military Industrial Complex.
Like I've been telling you on this blog for YEARS: Democrats are the FAKE LEFT and Republicans are the FAKE RIGHT, and BOTH are MILLIONAIRES working for the 1% BILLIONAIRES.
"liberal" Barack Obama wants to cut social security and NOT cut military spending:
Why Obama Won’t Cut Defense Spending
Reality Check: Obama Cuts Social Security and Medicare by Much More Than the GOP. Obama plans to cut between $200 billion and $380 billion more from Social Security and Medicare than Republicans in the next ten years
Social security cuts: Work until you drop
Seven Chilling Facts About Retirement in America That Should Make Obama Tremble Before Cutting Social Security and Medicare
The Grand Betrayal has Arrived: Bill Black: President Obama's bargain with Republicans opens the door to Wall St.'s dream - the privatization of Social Security:
Cornel West Explains Why It Bothers Him That Obama Will Be Taking The Oath With MLK's Bible
"conservative" Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania: authors most restrictive GUN CONTROL legislation ever -
Gun Owners of America Director: Boot Toomey Out of Office
Schumer-Toomey-Manchin gun bill allows the creation of federal gun registry
Everything's FAKE, folks! Our government is FAKE. Our "news" is FAKE. The democrats are FAKE liberals. The Republicans are FAKE conservatives. Our entire government is RIGGED and are a bunch of MILLIONAIRES working for a few BILLIONAIRES (and the Military Industrial Complex and BANKSTERS).
Good people on the right: stop thinking Republicans are going to save you.
Good people on the left: stop thinking Democrats are going to save you.
Everyone: the "news" is controlled by the same people who control the Democrats & Republicans.
Until Americans stop getting distracted by the Republican versus Democratic melodrama, America will move steadily forward towards war, empire and — inevitably as with any country which extends too far — collapse.
Did you notice no one from EITHER party is introducing legislation to label GENETICALLY MODIFIED FOODS (GMO's)??? What does that tell you about the two parties, if a recent poll said over 90% of Americans want GMO labeling of foods?
And while THE RADIO NEWS BRIEFS were busy distracting you with "NORTH KOREA", there were HUGE MAJOR OIL SPILLS all over the U.S. and Exxon got this commercial BANNED from TV...THUS PROVING what I said: the 1% control the news & TV:
Here's MORE damning our FAKE GOVERNMENT & FAKE MEDIA: they passed CISPA "closed door":
'Obey': Film Based on Chris Hedges' 'Death of the Liberal Class'
British filmmaker Temujin Doran has released a new movie that is based on the book "The Death of the Liberal Class" by Truthdig columnist Chris Hedges. The film, titled "Obey," explores the rise of the corporate state and the future of obedience in a world filled with unfettered capitalism, worsening inequality and environmental changes.
Warning: Viewers may find some of the clips in the film disturbing.
Thought for the day: I was watching MeTV, they play old shows 24x7. The Lone Ranger was on. I remember when I was a kid, all the kids pretended they were The Lone Ranger or Robin Hood. How come no one talks about The Lone Ranger or Robin Hood anymore? I know why: they took from the rich and gave to the poor, they helped the oppressed against the oppressors, they stood for everything that was good. They were patterned after Jesus, I suppose. I suppose all 3 of them now would be labelled socialist communists by the media. That is why we don't talk about them anymore.
The Lone Ranger's sidekick was an Indian: Tonto. So The Lone Ranger was against racism. Many of The Lone Ranger episodes, I noticed, are what nowadays we call "FALSE FLAGS": people would dress up like Indians and cause death and destruction to "blame the Indians". Many old shows really explained what we nowadays call "FALSE FLAGS". So The Lone Ranger was against false flags. The evil rich people were the ones always doing the false flags, just like they are now. Things really haven't changed at all and we think false flags are something new.
Barack Obama is no Lone Ranger. No president has been a Lone Ranger since JFK, and the people really running this country took care of that at that time and going forward til this day. And guess what they did? Ironically: a FALSE FLAG, they blamed a PATSY Lee Harvey Oswald.