Gang of "SICK": The "Gang of Six", Three Republican and three Democratic senators in the group, all of them members of the Senate Finance Committee, received an average of $74,600 from health industry lobbyists, according to The Chronicle's analysis of records through June.
Why the Gang of Six is Deciding Health Care for Three Hundred Million of Us
ACORN: The New Republican "boogeyman"; ACORN=NIGGER in the rightwing dictionary (code word)
Acorn – the new Republican bogeyman. If rightwing operatives succeed in bringing down the community group, Democrats and minorities will have lost a valuable ally
In defense of ACORN. The right-wing crusade against ACORN is a far bigger fraud than any misdeeds a few employees might have committed
The ACORN witch hunt: Voter-registration success spurs unfair attack
ACORN Philadelphia office throwing out FAKE rightwing pimp/prostitute didn't make the "news"
AIPAC lobbying against peace in the Middle East