You know how I keep giving you daily proof that the media isn't liberal? Here's your daily proof:
"Liberal" Washington Post shilling for Dick Cheney...again... Let me put it to you clearly: if you think the media is "liberal", you either haven't researched it, or you are an idiot who listens to Rush Limbaugh. If you do NOT think you're an idiot, please explain the daily proof I give you, that the media is NOT liberal. Who OWNS the Washington Post? Who OWNS ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN? Who OWNS Clear Channel? The OWNERS definitely aren't a "bunch of liberal"! If so, NAME THEM!!! Defending someone for clearly breaking the law and torturing, is NOT LIBERAL! But don't forget, Rush Limbaugh plays his "good cop/bad cop" part on behalf of the wealthy owners, and his job is to repeat over and over for them, "liberal media". What a scam! Starting Monday, this week on Rush Limbaugh: Rush does NOT talk about how the Washington Post continually defends Dick Cheney!!! .......explain this one:
"If anyone ever tells you that they don't understand what is meant by "stenography journalism" -- or ever insists that America is plagued by a Liberal Media -- you can show them this article from today's Washington Post and, by itself, it should clear up everything. The article's headline is "How a Detainee Became An Asset -- Sept. 11 Plotter Cooperated After Waterboarding" -- though an equally appropriate headline would be: "The Joys and Virtues of Torture -- how Dick Cheney Kept Us Safe."
"Liberal Media" hires Bush's daughter on NBC; now they have almost the entire Bush & Cheney families on the "liberal media": Lynne Cheney, Dick Cheney, and Jenna Bush. Why aren't they hiring all the other Bush & Cheney kin??? Now, according to "conservatives", your personal affiliation affects your reporting. I suppose this is different!!! Because she's a Republican!!! Your personal affiliation will not affect your reporting...if you're a Republican!!! Next up: Meghann McCain joins "liberal" ABC as an unbiased reporter.....
Interview with David Neiwert author of "The Eliminationists: How Hate Talk Radicalized the American Right". The differences between leftwing rhetoric vs. rightwing rhetoric. The "hate speech" is unique to "the right". Those are the FACTS, and "the right" media figures don't like this subject.
Job as hatchetman is complete - After devastating the area, NEPA religious wrecking ball steps more churches or Catholic schools to shut down, mobsters to dedicate buildings to, teachers' unions to bust, and no elections going on to shill for Republicans...
Who's putting serial health care misinformers like Betsy McCaughey on the "fake liberal" TV news shows? She just resigned as a paid director of Cantel Medical Supplies company, right after Jon Stewart exposed what a LIAR SHILL she is!!! Betsy McCaughey "...the day after sparring with Jon Stewart — is 'resigning to avoid any appearance of a conflict of interest during the national debate over healthcare reform.'" Avoiding any appearance of a conflict of interest??? It wasn't an appearance of a conflict of interest, it WAS a conflict of interest, on purpose by a medical company!!! How many times do they think we will believe that these people "just happen to" work for medical companies!!! Exposed by Jon Stewart, the ONLY person who didn't give her an unchallenged forum for her infomercial!!! But the BIGGER question is: WHO'S PUTTING THESE PEOPLE ON TV???
Does she need public dental care? The VERY RICH and RICHLY PAID by medical companies, Betsy "TV Shill" McCaughey, who doesn't need health care, but is doing her best to stop health care reform. Is it time to "eat the rich" yet? Think about this: she's on TV all the time, but they never told us she's a director of a medial supplies company AND THEN the same TV that parades her around doesn't tell us she was forced to resign because of the Jon Stewart interview!!! It's always been rich vs. poor.
Serial health care misinformer Betsy McCaughey continues to be paraded on the "liberal media", you know, the "liberal media" that's owned by 5 corporations that aren't liberal. How long are you going to fall for the sham "liberal media"? The "liberal media" speaks for the wealthy few, corporations, the military industrial complex, and politicians from both parties that speak for them. Check out the Betsy McCaughey health care serial media misinformer page. The video below, shows you what happens when corporate-paid shill liars get questioned by legit people, and aren't simply allowed a forum to spout lies unchallenged by anyone like a megaphone for the corporations that are paying them. That's why they want us to think the corporate TV media is liberal, so we don't ask questions like: "WHO IS BETSY MCCAUGHEY???" The real question is, "Who is putting these people on TV???" THEY are the real villains; the shills in front of the camera are a dime-a-dozen, the TV OWNERS will simply replace her now that she's been exposed:
When we Europeans – the British included – contemplate the battles President Obama must fight to reform the US health system, our first response tends to be disbelief.......
Teabaggers wouldn't DARE protest anything Obama's doing that's unconstitutional, if it's a continuation of something the Bush administration started - like domestic spying or torture or intrusion of privacy into your laptops...
"The Corporation" movie below: once you start it, you can mouse over it to toggle through the 23 short separate sections with the giant left/right arrows on the side. You can enlarge it and watch it full screen.
Rush Limbaugh eulogizes Ted Kennedy, by congratulating himself on predicting the name of the health care bill would invoke Ted Kennedy's name...if Ted died:
McCarthy: We do NOT have Best Health Care Man Challenges Microphone Turned Off! Was this on TV? Of course not! They only show the anti-health care protesters on the "liberal media"! The daily proof that the media isn't liberal: it's owned by 5 corporations that aren't liberal. In the last video, REAL Americans fight back at a Town Hall meeting confrontation which I'm sure didn't make the corporate-owned "liberal media": Randall Terry is escorted out of a Town Hall meeting for disrputing it.
Health reform built on private insurance isn’t working and can’t work; it costs too much and delivers too little. At present, bureaucracy consumes 31 percent of each healthcare dollar. The Connector - the new state agency created to broker coverage under the reform law - is adding another 4.5 percent to the already sky-high overhead charged by private insurers. Administrative costs at Blue Cross are nearly five times higher than Medicare’s and 11 times those in Canada’s single payer system. Single payer reform could save $7.7 billion annually on paperwork and insurance profits in Massachusetts, enough to cover all of the uninsured and to upgrade coverage for the rest of us.
...breaking...we have our answer already, of what's after "Death Books": ZOMBIES!!!"Pallin' around with terrorists->Birthers->Death Panels->Death Books->ZOMBIES!!!!!!!! (...then ALIENS???)
Published: 12/12/01 FOX News. Part 1 of a 4 part series: Part 2- Part 3 - Part 4. These items have since been removed from the FOX News web site:
Now Fox News has learned some U.S. investigators believe that there are Israelis again very much engaged in spying in and on the U.S., who may have known things they didn't tell us before September 11. Fox News correspondent Carl Cameron has details in the first of a four-part series.
Universal Health Care Message to Americans From Canadian Doctors & Health Care Experts
Joe Lieberman is so concerned about health care reform...but let's not do it!!!
Can we sue media (like Rush Limbaugh or even ABC), astroturfers like Freedom Works, or even politicians that are lying, misleading, or suppressing information to the public about health care, which can be directly attributed to stopping health coverage for this successful lawsuit against tobacco companies, who were sued for basically the same thing: lying, misinformation, suppression of information directly leading to the deaths of people???
Is anyone more than a little curious about where the so-called “populist revolt” against the Obama administration’s health care proposals is coming from and who is paying for it? You know, the revolt where people scream and disrupt town hall meetings, brandish guns outside in the street, and label a public option that would help some of the 47 million without health insurance get treatment as “socialist”?
My question is where were these brave patriots hiding when the Bush administration launched massive undeclared wars against Iraq and Afghanistan? Where were they when the military/CIA torture and rendition scandals erupted? Where were they when the Bush and later the Obama administrations gave away several trillion dollars in government bailouts, guarantees, and commitments to the financiers who engineered the biggest heist of the people’s money in history?
The health care revolt stinks of hypocrisy, manipulation, and behind-the-scenes collusion between right-wing political groups and their financial backers. I haven’t yet figured out the paper trail, but I bet the financial sources are the same as, or very close to, the financial oligarchs who just finished ripping off our republic on such an unprecedented scale.
I think that many, if not most, of these protesters are cowards who only step forth when someone big, important, and powerful is signaling it’s okay and paying for it.
In fact I think the health care revolt is a staged distraction to divert attention away from the fact that the recession isn’t really ending, that jobs continue to disappear even as the stock market firms up, that worker purchasing power continues to drop, and that the plight of the poor, elderly, disenfranchised, and out of work gets worse every day.
...pulled a handgun on a resident whose home he told police he was photographing as part of a foreclosure investigation.....probably not in the "news"......or do they call it the "liberal media"??? If the mainstream media is "liberal", what's all this stuff I'm posting all the time? It doesn't look like what we're told is the "liberal media". Peculiar, huh? Our weakness is our strength.
Meet Energy Citizens - the latest corporate shill astroturf group brought to you by the same astroturfer "coalition" as the anti-health care "citizens/protesters"! A leaked memo reveals the American Petroleum Institute is asking oil companies to recruit employees, retirees and contractors to take part in rallies against climate change legislation. Everything is fine in Freedonia!!! (videos: Ring of Fire on Energy Citizens, this week in cartoons, Democracy NOW! coverage of leaked Energy Citizens memo)
We can't switch horses in midstream...LOOK AT THE TERROR ALERT LEVEL!!! If Kerry wins, the terrorists will get us!!! Bush was president for almost 2 years when they got us on 9/11??? DUCT TAPE YOUR HOUSES!!!
Iraq & Afghanistan: Per Month - $12.3 billion; Per Week - $2.9 billion; Per Day - $410 million; Per Hour - $17 million; Per Minute - $284,722; Per Second - $4,745
"I want to be absolutely clear with our people and the world, the United States does not torture. It's against our laws, it's against our values." - George W. Bush
You couldn't make this shit up, if you tried...........
We want to keep our high-priced shitty health insurance and/or not have any!!! What the fuck are we doing??? We can't even spell "public"!!! Do they have "spell-check" on protest signs??? And no one else in this crowd has corrected me, obviously they can't spell "public", either!!! I'm going to guess that the majority of them either don't have health care or they have the same health care as me: monthly premiums way higher than their mortgage, increasing copays & deductibles, increasing co-insurance, a dozen extra bills for various things even though they were "covered", and they fight with their health care company to get them to pay for anything. NO PUBIC OPTION!!! NO PUBIC OPTION!!! NO PUBIC OPTION!!! NO PUBIC OPTION!!!
Insurance Jive: The Real "Death Panels"
Click on the puppetmaster's arms, and find out who the puppetmasters are behind trying to destroy net neutrality...
Astroturf describes fake grassroots groups that are created and funded by corporations, political parties or industry trade associations to advance a political agenda.
Astroturf groups fighting media reform manufacture the impression of public opposition to issues like Net Neutrality to sway policy makers and the media. What these groups won't tell you is that they're bought and paid for by the phone and cable industry.
When, in all our history, has anyone with ideas so bizarre, so archaic, so self-confounding, so remote from the basic American consensus, ever got so far? —Richard Hofstadter
The United States unique among the world's developed nations in its unwillingness to provide its citizens with a decent education or fully funded health care; 40 million Americans paid less than $10 an hour, 66 percent of the population earning less than $45,000 a year; 2 million people in prison...Tentacles of Rage: The Republican propaganda mill, a brief history
Astroturfing against climate change legislation by Big Oil: LEAKED MEMO EXPOSED!!! Ordinary citizens barred from Houston anti-climate change protest, only bused in "grassroots" oil company employees were allowed at the protest!
The Ed Show - Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) - Single Payer, 676
Progressive talk radio: a lot more enlightening than Rush Limbaugh! Conservative Caller - Why Should I Pay For Someones' Health?
If Canadians are coming here for operations, either:
1. The Canadian system is so great, it pays for Canadian's to come here for operations. 2. These Canadians are extremely rich, and pay $150,000.00 cash for an operation here. 3. This is more untrue folklore.
Take your pick of the ONLY above three possibilities!!!
Washington’s punditocracy is in mourning over the death of right-wing columnist Robert Novak, with many warm remembrances about his outsized personality and his supposed love of reporting. But Novak often served as a dishonest propagandist and would have been condemned in a healthy journalistic world.
Health care reform is now a private option: WHICH FOR PROFIT INSURANCE COMPANY DO YOU WANT? You have to choose. And you have to pay. If you have a low income, under HR3200 government will subsidize the private insurance companies and you will still have to pay premiums, co-pays and deductibles.
The Administration plan requires that everyone must have health insurance, so it is delivering tens of millions of new "customers" to the insurance companies. Health care? Not really. Insurance care! Absolutely. Cost controls? No chance.
In our poll, 72% of self-identified FOX News viewers believe the health-care plan will give coverage to illegal immigrants, 79% of them say it will lead to a government takeover, 69% think that it will use taxpayer dollars to pay for abortions, and 75% believe that it will allow the government to make decisions about when to stop providing care for the elderly.
"Iceland Recovering From Neoliberal Disaster" - an example of what will happen to the United States.
"Iceland Recovering From Neoliberal Disaster" with Dr. Michael Hudson on Iceland's banking crisis and foreign debt; it's decision to push back against IMF and World Bank austerity; Gordon Brown's role in the Icesave scandal; the capacity to pay principle; similarities with Germany's foreign debt reparations from the 1920s; European Union disarray; media omissions.
ALSO...he's the guy who had the youtube all over the internet, who said we're getting the AMERO, I know most people have short term memory loss and you forgot this - maybe the FBI paid him to do THAT, too???