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Kucinich, Zarlenga Say Monetary Reform Needed Now
"Naked Conflicts": NY Fed Chairman Resigns Over Goldman Controversy
New York Fed chairman Friedman abruptly resigns
Who’s Behind the Financial Meltdown?
Open Letter to the U.S. House RE: H.R. 1207 Federal Reserve Transparency
Reviewing Ellen Brown's "Web of Debt:" Part I
Urgency of the American Monetary Act
Bush Owed Bybee for More Than Just "Legalizing" War and Torture
The Iraq War Memo - An Even Worse Bybee Memo
History of CIA Torture
Being against an "other" is an important unifying factor for the GOP's base. That is demonstrated by the demographics of the party, which no longer enables it to hold sway over a majority of the country as it once did. Times change. There's a lot of talk about what the GOP has to do to get "back in the saddle." Being more inclusive and tolerant should be near the top of any list.