Vote Republican - Vote for Torture! Don't vote for the Democrats, because they use rubbers.... - the Bishop
Let's be very clear on this: TORTURE IS A "REPUBLICAN THING"!!! Look who's defending it: CheneyFOX "news", Republican politicians, Limbaugh, Hannity Karl Rove, and rightwing pundits like William Kristol!!!
WaPo: Intelligence and military officials under the Bush administration began preparing to conduct harsh interrogations long before they were granted legal approval to use such methods -- and weeks before the CIA captured its first high-ranking terrorism suspect, Senate investigators have concluded.
Another Conservative torture lawyer, Jay Bybee (below), is now a Federal Judge!!! I bet you can't wait for your kid or a friend or relative to go in front of him!
Fixing the Facts and Legal Opinions Around the Torture Policy. The Case for 'Looking Forward' to the Impeachment of Jay S. Bybee...
Rice LIED!!! She said we didn't torture!!!
Rice personally okayed waterboarding
This video is from A YEAR AGO! We all knew she was lying!!!
I'm the Torturer (Bush)
Dick Cheney lands job to anchor FOX "news"
Harman begins to backtrack denials of wiretap story
McClatchy: Report: Abusive tactics were used to find Iraq-al Qaida link
See my extensive post on the blackmailed Jane Harman
...and how come we never see Jane Harman and Rod Stewart at the same time???