Here's the bottom line: politicians don't know what the fuck they're talking about. They just say a lot of horseshit:
Republicans Who Opposed Wall Street Salary Caps Last Month Now Condemning ‘Outrageous’ AIG Bonuses
“I am all for the AIG bailouts, and I am all for the AIG bonuses. Well, I’m not for the bailouts, well, in a way I’m for the bailout because I’m for the bonuses.”
Mega-Ditto's, Rushbo!!!
...while we're on dishonest liars, Fox News spliced a six-month old clip of Vice President Biden to misleadingly imply that he recently said the “fundamentals of the economy are strong.”
Fox News apologizes for dishonest splicing of Biden clip. FOX "inadvertently" spliced the tape.
Summary: Fox News' Martha MacCallum claimed that "after weeks of economic doom and gloom, the Obama administration is now singing a slightly different tune. Take a look at what was said in recent interviews this weekend." Fox News then aired clips of administration officials purportedly giving an optimistic view of the economy, which included video of Joe Biden stating: "The fundamentals of the economy are strong." However, Biden did not make those remarks during an "interview[]" over the past weekend; he made those remarks at a September 2008 campaign event in which he criticized statements by John McCain.
Fox News presents deceptively cropped six-month-old Biden clip as new
"Liberal" media ignores mentioning Bush Treasury Department role in last year's AIG bailouts, notwithstanding bonus packages
Shoes and words fly as Canadians protest Bush at Calgary speech
Experts: Giant Crabs Pose No Threat