Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Big Dan's Big News March 31, 2009

Riddle me this, judge Ciavarella...

So, judge Ciavarella is playing word games. He tells 20/20 that he didn't "plead guilty to kids for cash." He is guilty of kids for cash, but didn't plead guilty to it. That's exactly what that means. He did not say that he didn't sentence kids for cash, he said he didn't plead guilty to it. We've seen these word games from lawyers from many cases, including this one. Like when they knew charges were going to be brought against them, they quickly put out the word in the media that they "were never charged with anything." Get it in the press before you're charged, then it's a true statement. After they were charged, of course, they never said: "NOW...we were charged with something." Do you see how these word games work? Like when Jill "Full Knowledge and Consent" Moran said individuals attempted, without Moran’s "FULL knowledge and consent", to use Moran to facilitate frauds. That means, according to logic and the English language, that they had her knowledge and consent...just not her FULL knowledge and consent. She should have said she didn't have "ANY knowledge and consent"!!! Not "FULL knowledge and consent". If you don't think every word out of these criminals' mouths and their lawyers mouths aren't carefully crafted...EVERY SINGLE WORD...then I have a wilderness camp to sell to you!!!

Riddle me this judge Ciavarella: if you didn't sentence kids for cash, why did Judge Grim clear the records and void the adjudications of hundreds of juveniles who appeared before you? That's a good question judge Ciavarella, isn't it? A question you weren't asked and one you won't answer!

Also, attorney Powell is accused of participating in $2.6 million in kickbacks to the corrupt judges pertaining to sending them to his juvie center. Powell claims the judges were extorting the money from him.

Riddle me this: if the judges were extorting money from Powell, why did he engage in other activites with them such as the W-CAT townhouse project and why did Powell dock his yacht "Reel Justice" at their condo of corruption in Florida? Does that sound like the actions of someone who was being extorted by them? I suppose when someone's extorting millions from you, you park your yacht at their condo and go into a townhouse deal with them! Something doesn't sound right, and someone is lying.

And why is judge Ciavarella flapping his mouth about everything on TV and in print...except Powell accusing him of extorting him?

Please stop insulting our intelligence, with these carefully worded phrases like: "FULL knowledge and consent", "didn't plead guilty to...", and "my client hasn't been charged with anything (YET!!!!)"!!!!!!!!!

NYTimes: Despite Red Flags About Judges, a Kickback Scheme Flourished

Dyller adds Luzerne County to kids for cash lawsuit


Multi-ga-jillionaire Rush Limbaugh: he loves you! He's up for the little guy! He doesn't speak for the billionaires who are ruining this country! (I'm being sarcastic, of course) He cares about you! When he says: "The rich pay too much in taxes", he means: "I PAY TOO MUCH IN TAXES"!!!

Summary: In a Los Angeles Times op-ed, Andrew Klavan claimed he's "never heard" Rush Limbaugh "utter a single racist, hateful or stupid word," and offered a "[c]hallenge" to "liberals" to "[l]isten to the show ... and keep an open mind." However, Media Matters listens to Limbaugh everyday and has documented numerous examples of him spewing offensive commentary and basic misstatements of fact.

Limbaugh challenged: In LA Times op-ed, Klavan claimed he's "never heard" Limbaugh "utter a single racist, hateful or stupid word"

Rush Windbag Wins "Unsexiest Man"

Rush Limbaugh wins 'unsexiest' man of the year award

Nearly 8 years after 9/11, Rush tells NY to 'drop dead'

BDBB Rush Limbaugh flashback:

November 17, 2007 - Rush Limbaugh Cares About Torturing Dogs...But Not Humans!

October 27, 2007 - No WONDER Rush Limbaugh Doesn't Want You To Have Free Health Care!

October 23, 2007 - Why Does Rush Limbaugh Hate The California Fire Victims and Katrina Victims?

October 22, 2007 - Hello Fellow Dickheads! OOPS! I Mean "Dittoheads"!

Pictured below: Extremely rich AM Radio entertainer Rush Limbaugh w/head of RNC

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Big Dan's Big News March 29, 2009

"THESE GUYS ARE FINANCIAL TERRORISTS!!!" - Max Keiser on Bankers' Bonuses

Rolling Stone Magazine: The Dirty Dozen--Meet the bankers and brokers responsible for the financial crisis

...don't forget about the "Health Care Terrorists", they're as bad as the "Financial Terrorists"

Insurers shun those taking certain meds. How health insurers secretly blacklist those with certain ailments.

...and let's not forget the "Democracy Terrorists", the e-vote machine companies

Remember when you said we were "conspiracy theorists" because we were saying electronic voting machines were easily hacked and were being hacked for elections? Now the CIA is agreeing with us. And GODDAMMIT, don't say you weren't calling us "conspiracy theorists"!!! Maybe NOW, will you watch the videos below, including the HBO movie "Hacking Democracy"??? Election Day should be a paid national holiday with all the citizens volunteering to count reliable paper ballots. You don't hear any politicians proposing to make the most important day in America a paid day off, do you? Don't you think that's strange? Wouldn't you think that both parties would want more participation in voting by making election day a paid holiday?

CIA Warning: 'E-Voting Not Secure' - U.S. EAC Finally Releases Complete Transcript of Stunning Cybersecurity Expert Testimony

Here's the website of the woman in the movie below, "Hacking Democracy": BlackBoxVoting.org

The first video is about computer programmer Clint Curtis testifying in front of congress that he was commissioned to write a program to fix elections on electronic voting machines, the 2nd video is about the chain of command in the New Hampshire primary, and the 3rd video and beyond is the HBO movie "Hacking Democracy":

Check this out!

Note: Luzerne County uses ES&S!
KY Election Officials Arrested, Charged With 'Changing Votes at E-Voting Machines'. Circuit court judge, county clerk, and election officials among eight indicted for gaming elections in 2002, 2004, 2006. Used popular, unverifiable ES&S touch-screens to flip votes...

* Clay County Clerk, Freddy Thompson, 45, allegedly provided money to election officers to be distributed by the officers to buy votes and he also instructed officers how to change votes at the voting machine.

* Election officer William E. Stivers, 56, allegedly marked votes or issued tickets to voters who had sold their votes and changed votes at the voting machine.

* Paul E. Bishop, 60, allegedly marked voters or issued tickets to voters who sold their votes and he also hosted alleged meetings at his home where money was pooled together by candidates and distributed to election officers, including himself. He was also accused of instructing the officers how to change votes at the voting machine.

Kentucky officials arrested and indicted today, "including the circuit court judge, the county clerk, and election officers" of Clay County, have been charged with "chang[ing] votes at the voting machine" and showing others how to do it!

Local Kentucky TV coverage of the corrupt judge and election officials.

Five Clay County officials, including the circuit court judge, the county clerk, and election officers were arrested Thursday after they were indicted on federal charges accusing them of using corrupt tactics to obtain political power and personal gain.

The Official Indictment

Note: The below article, DIEBOLD changed their name to "Premier". They pulled the old "switcheroo", as I'm sure AIG will. I have AIG auto insurance for years. My last statement, it said "21st Century". I called them and asked what the deal was, and they wouldn't give me a straight answer, but apparently AIG, at least the auto insurance part of it, pulled the old "switcheroo", too!!! Same CRAP, different name. In other news: Hitler changed his name to Adolph Cunningham, so I guess WWII never happened...

Diebold Admits Audit Logs in ALL Versions of Their Software Fail to Record Ballot Deletions. Startling admission made during public hearing in CA to consider decertification of the company's voting and tabulation software...

...check out this JACKASS JUDGE

Former Mobile County Circuit Court Judge Herman Thomas is out of jail just hours after he was arrested on 57 counts of kidnapping, sodomy, extortion and ethics violations.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Big Dan's Big News March 28, 2009

I told you! I've been telling you, that I've had AIG auto insurance forever, and suddenly, I have "21st Century Insurance"! Here's your proof - here's a letter from them. Keep in mind, I have not seen anywhere in any form of news, that AIG auto insurance is now "21st Century Insurance". Nothing in the news at all! Also? I did NOTHING, and suddenly I have "21st Century Insurance", shouldn't I have to switch myself? Or do something? So, now I have "21st Century Insurance"!!!

Here's a few questions:

1. Does AIG Auto Insurance still exist?
2. How long did 21st Century Auto Insurance exist?
3. If AIG Auto Insurance still exists, why did they switch me without asking to 21st Century?
4. Was AIG Auto Insurance getting bailout money? (21st Century says they aren't, but was AIG?)
5. How can a company switch its customers to another company without asking them?
6. Are the rates the same for all the customers?
7. Is this legal?

Here's their website. I don't see anything about their history, do you? How long have they existed? In the below letter, they thank me for my "continued loyalty and support". What continued loyalty and support??? Isn't this how the financial mess started? Selling things behind the scenes like mortgages??? Without asking or telling anyone???

Anthony J DeSantis
President and CEO
March 27, 2009

Dear 21st Century Insurance Policyholders:

On behalf of all the employees of 21st Century Insurance and Financial Services (21st Century Insurance), I first want to thank you for your continued loyalty and support during these challenging times.

I would like to take a moment to address some items that have undoubtedly created a level of uneasiness and frustration for many of our customers. Because of the tremendous support and cooperation from the United States government and its taxpayers, our parent company, AIG, has been able to continue its operations as a world-class provider of insurance services. However, with this support comes a high-level of attention to all of AIG's activities.

It is important to clarify that although the insurance companies affiliated with the 21st Century Insurance brand are subsidiaries of AIG, they have not accessed or needed any of the Federal Reserve borrowings to fund their operations. Nor have they received any capital contribution from any AIG company to support their operations. 21st Century Insurance is an organization of 6,500 employees whose mission is to deliver outstanding value and service for your auto insurance needs – a mission we are striving to achieve every day.

The insurance companies affiliated with 21st Century Insurance, which underwrite and provide coverage under your policies, are financially strong and continue to deliver outstanding coverage, service and payment of claims to all of our customers. The assets of the insurance companies are protected by state laws for the benefit of policyholders.

Additionally, AIG recently announced the formation of a general insurance holding company called AIU Holdings, Inc. This move will help enhance and protect the value of those property and casualty companies for all its stakeholders. The organization will include the Commercial Insurance Group, Foreign General unit, and other property and casualty groups. 21st Century Insurance will also be part of this new, separate organization.

We genuinely appreciate your business. At 21st Century Insurance, we are focused on putting you, the customer, first, and we look forward to providing you with the great coverage and award-winning service that you deserve.

Anthony J. DeSantis

Lawmakers and public officials in California, Ohio, South Carolina, Missouri, Washington and other states are attempting to crack down on the controversial practice known as payday lending. Payday loans are short-term loans or cash advances secured by a post-dated check. The annual interest rate for these loans can be as high as 400 percent, ten times the highest credit card rates. Today, it’s a $40 billion industry with more than 22,000 stores. We speak with journalist Daniel Brook about his Harper’s Magazine article, “Usury Country," and with Ginna Green of the Center for Responsible Lending.

Usury Country: Payday Loans Pushing Millions of Middle Class Americans Deeper into Debt

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Usury Banking Usury Banking Redza A short history of banking

Friday, March 27, 2009

Michelle "fucky-sucky five dollah" Malkin Indirectly Admits Newspapers Aren't Liberal

(does anyone else find it ironic that Asian-looking Michelle Malkin works for a racist "news" channel and acts like a racist, when others could be racist against her for looking "Asian"??? I think that's called BREATHTAKING HYPOCRISY!)

"fucky-sucky five dollah" - you have to be an absolute BIRD BRAIN to watch FOX "news"! (note: a friend of mine who was in Vietnam said Vietnamese whores used to go up to the U.S. soldiers and say: "FUCKY-SUCKY FIVE DOLLAH")

So, someone in congress proposes to bailout newspapers, and who is against this, because the "free press" might change? Rightwing pundits! So, when push comes to shove, they want the newspapers to stay the same! The same newspapers they call "liberal" and the "drive-by media", etc... So it's all a big sham, like I've been telling you forever. The newspapers aren't liberal. The proof is rightwingers defending the newspapers.

If Michelle Malkin and FOX "news" thought newspapers were liberal, they wouldn't give a shit if a bailout changed them! Some people say Michelle Malkin's website gets a lot of hits. I don't believe it. We saw how the claims of popularity of rightwingers work!

(Note: the original video of Michelle "fucky sucky five dollah" Malkin on newspaper bailouts is no longer on the internet, so I replaced it with her claiming with zero evidence that John Kerry purposely shot himself during the Vietnam War, see below:)

And Michelle Malkin has a website named "Hot Air". Isn't that a derogatory term, as in: "You're full of HOT AIR!" Am I missing something? How can she be this DUMB? That's like calling your website: "I Am Full Of SHIT"! Maybe all of them - Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Malking, Ann Coulter, O'Reilly, etc...should ALL call their websites "HOT AIR", like "HOT AIR I", "HOT AIR II", HOT AIR III"...you get the picture.

BDBB Michelle Malkin Horror Flashback:

October 13, 2007 - Michelle Malkin: Don't Get Your "Vaclav"'s Mixed Up!

October 22, 2007 - Why Do Republicans Hate Families Making Less Than $40,000...and Love Millionaires and Billionaires?

November 18, 2007 - Michelle Malkin Employs The Nazi Media "Human Shields" Strategy In Her Latest Propaganda Article Of Lies

December 1, 2007 - Michelle Malkin Lays A Big Fat Fart...Again!

The NATION Magazine: "The Death and Life of Great American Newspapers"

Free Press is a national, nonpartisan organization working to reform the media. Through education, organizing and advocacy, we promote diverse and independent media ownership, strong public media, and universal access to communications.

The New York Times and Washington Post have become the latest newspapers to announce plans to downsize their staffs. As papers across the country continue to fold or downsize, policy officials and experts are contemplating a series of proposals to help newspapers stay afloat. On Capitol Hill, Democratic Senator Benjamin Cardin of Maryland has introduced the Newspaper Revitalization Act. Meanwhile, in an article in The Nation magazine titled “The Death and Life of Great American Newspapers,” media activists Robert McChesney and John Nichols are proposing a multi-part journalism economic stimulus package.

Robert McChesney on “The Death and Life of Great American Newspapers”

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Big Dan's Big News March 26, 2009

click on picture to enlarge in new window

Senator Sanders Blocking Key Obama Nomination

The following is a letter sent on Tuesday by Jake DeSantis, an executive vice president of the American International Group’s financial products unit, to Edward M. Liddy, the chief executive of A.I.G.

DEAR Mr. Liddy, (click below for the NYTimes article)

Dear A.I.G., I Quit!

In a new article in Rolling Stone Magazine, journalist Matt Tabbi takes an in-depth look at the story behind AIG. “The reality is that the worldwide economic meltdown and the bailout that followed were together a kind of revolution, a coup d’Γ©tat,” writes Taibbi. “They cemented and formalized a political trend that has been snowballing for decades: the gradual takeover of the government by a small class of connected insiders, who used money to control elections, buy influence and systematically weaken financial regulations.”

AIG and the Big Takeover: Matt Taibbi on “How Wall Street Insiders Are Using the Bailout to Stage a Revolution”

Matt Taibbi/Rolling Stone - The Big Takeover

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The Obama administration unveils its $1 trillion plan to buy toxic assets from banks and restore the financial system. But should we return to the way it was? We speak with Chicago lawyer Thomas Geoghegan about his new Harper’s Magazine cover story, “Infinite Debt: How Unlimited Interest Rates Destroyed the Economy.” Geoghegan writes, “We dismantled the most ancient of human laws, the law against usury, which had existed in some form in every civilization from the time of the Babylonian Empire to the end of Jimmy Carter’s term.”

Thomas Geoghegan on “Infinite Debt: How Unlimited Interest Rates Destroyed the Economy”

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(hit the "+" sign to enlarge the print below; scroll down the article with your mouse)Infinite Debt

...and if you want to vote in someone who actually has your interest and not theirs or some corporation's, they have that covered, too!!!

Most electronic voting isn't secure, CIA expert says

Most electronic voting systems can be hacked, CIA expert says

Diebold's Chief Financial Officer, VP Steps Down Under SEC Investigation. CFO Kevin Krakorian was largest inside trader during mass August 2007 sell-off, near historic company high, as reported exclusively by The BRAD BLOG

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

20th Anniversary of Exxon Valdez Oil Spill

Today marks the twentieth anniversary of the Exxon Valdez oil spill, one of the worst environmental disasters in history. The Exxon Valdez spilled between 11 and 38 million gallons of crude oil into the fishing waters of Prince William Sound. The spill contaminated more than 1,200 miles of Alaska’s shoreline and killed hundreds of thousands of seabirds and marine animals. It also dealt a staggering blow to the residents of local fishing towns, and the effects of the disaster are still being felt today. We speak with Riki Ott, a community activist, marine toxicologist, former commercial salmon fisherma’am and author of two books on the spill. Her latest is Not One Drop: Betrayal and Courage in the Wake of the Exxon Valdez Spill.

20 Years After Exxon Valdez Oil Spill, Alaskan Coastline Remains Contaminated, Residents Still Struggle for Justice

Stick Your Damn Hand In It: 20th Birthday of the Exxon Valdez Lie

Greg Palast: The official story is, "Drunken Skipper Hits Reef." But don't believe it, Mr. Souter. Alaska's Native lands and coastline were destroyed by a systematic fraud motivated by profit-crazed penny-pinching.

Here's the unreported story, the one you won't get tonight on the Petroleum Broadcast System:

It begins in 1969 when big shots from Humble Oil and ARCO (now known as Exxon and British Petroleum) met with the Chugach Natives, owners of the most valuable parcel of land on the planet: Valdez Port, the only conceivable terminus for a pipeline that would handle a trillion dollars in crude oil.

These Alaskan natives ultimately agreed to sell the Exxon consortium this astronomically valuable patch of land -- for a single dollar.

The Natives refused cash. Rather, in 1969, they asked only that the oil companies promise to protect their Prince William Sound fishing and seal hunting grounds from oil.

In 1971, Exxon and partners agreed to place the Natives' specific list of safeguards into federal law. These commitments to safety reassured enough Congressmen for the oil group to win, by one vote, the right to ship oil from Valdez.

The oil companies repeated their promises under oath to the US Congress.

The spill disaster was the result of Exxon and partners breaking every one of those promises - cynically, systematically, disastrously, in the fifteen years leading up to the spill.

Forget the drunken skipper fable. As to Captain Joe Hazelwood, he was below decks, sleeping off his bender. At the helm, the third mate would never have collided with Bligh Reef had he looked at his Raycas radar. But the radar was not turned on. In fact, the tanker's radar was left broken and disasbled for more than a year before the disaster, and Exxon management knew it. It was just too expensive to fix and operate.


Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Big Dan's Big News March 24, 2009

How many people have to die from cops tasering them before tasers are banned? I guess it's the same old story - unless it happens to YOU or someone related to you, you don't care.

Teen dies after police Taser him

Just take the word of the Taser corporation and give police tasers...THEN, after a few hundred deaths, check and see if running electricity through someone at high voltage is bad for someone! Take the word of a profit seeking company!

Researchers Shocked: Tasers Cause Dramatic Rise of In-Custody Sudden Deaths. UCSF Study Raises Doubts About Stun Gun Safety

Long touted as a safer alternative to handguns for law enforcement, tasers are potentially deadly weapons that have a growing history of abuse by police and security guards.

First study to test real-world effects of stun gun use raises questions about safety. Zian H. Tseng, M.D. The rate of sudden deaths increased six-fold in the first year that California law enforcement agencies deployed the use of stun guns, according to a UCSF study.

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Headline January 15, 2010: "Defective Chinese Condoms tainted with (fill in the blank) Infecting Millions of Americans"

Nothing bad is going to happen HERE! Now they're going to offshore making condoms to China! Yep! I don't expect anything bad will happen there! I'm sure we'll get quality condoms that don't have lead paint in them, don't leak, won't make your penis shrink...NOPE! Let me ask you this: how many fucking times are we going to witness an oncoming trainwreck and do nothing about it? Christ almighty! No, we'll just wait until we get diseases from lead-tainted leaky condoms from China! Then after it's too late, they'll do a study for a billion dollars and say, "Chinese condoms caused infertility in men" or something like that. I'm telling you IDIOTS right now for FREE that this is going to be BAAAAAAAD!!!!! Then, while all that's going on, corporate America will be doing 100 other things just like this...like whack-a-mole! Stupid Americans with a government that doesn't give a shit about anything and corporations that don't give a shit about anything! What a greedy GREEDY country! The corporations will make more $$$ by offshoring condoms and the government won't stop it! We deserve everything we get, because we don't do anything about it. I'm smart enough to see this train wreck coming - CHINESE FUCKING CONDOMS!!!!! Grrrrrrrr....... Every company that's outsourcing ONE SINGLE JOB in this financial crisis, they should all be thrown in jail!!! But the corporations are doing it and our government isn't stopping it.

Fu Kiu now making lead-based condoms.

Stimulus? U.S. to buy Chinese condoms, ending Alabama jobs


The globalist 3 stooges are at it again! This time they Curly-ed 2 Navy vessels into each other! Recently, they Larry-ed two Satellites into each other and Moe-ed two nuclear submarines into each other. They're going to SHEMP us into oblivion!!!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Big Dan's Big News March 23, 2009

Bush/Cheney were in charge on 9/11. But time only starts for them and their minions on 9/12. All their statements begin with: "SINCE 9/11...", as if "someone else" was president/VP on 9/11! So, I guess if we have a "terrorist" strike during Obama's presidency, there will be a double-standard with rightwing media and Republicans. That double-standard is this: "If a Republican is president during a terror attack, no one can acknowledge this or they're 'unpatriotic' or 'against the troops' or any of their straw man arguments. If a Republican is NOT the president during a terror attack, it's the president's fault!!!"

Wilkerson: 'Crazy people' make Cheney fearmongering 'dangerous'

Guest Post by Lawrence Wilkerson: Some Truths About Guantanamo Bay

PAUL KRUGMAN: A zombie idea is an idea that you keep on killing, because it’s a bad idea, but it just keeps on coming back. And what this is is we’ve had this idea since Henry Paulson came out with his plan six months ago, the Bush administration, that the real problem is that the market is undervaluing all of these toxic assets, and what we need to do is have taxpayers go in and buy them at a fair price, and that will solve all of our financial problems. And that’s what happened. The Geithner plan is a complicated, disguised variant on the same idea. It’s the zombie that you keep killing, and it just keeps coming back.

"The Zombie Ideas Have Won" - Paul Krugman on $1 Trillion Geithner Plan to Buy Toxic Bank Assets

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As Sarah Palin rejects 1/3 of the stimulus plan offered to Alaska including $160 million for education and $9 million for public health, Alaska sets its sites on the more important matter of Bestiality!

So, this is what FOX "news" is like: an unprofessional bimbo anchor blurting out an invited guest, who appears to be a very nice man...

Learn about propaganda. Century of the Self - Episode II

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Sunday, March 22, 2009

Big Dan's Big News March 22, 2009

Note: Luzerne County uses ES&S!
KY Election Officials Arrested, Charged With 'Changing Votes at E-Voting Machines'. Circuit court judge, county clerk, and election officials among eight indicted for gaming elections in 2002, 2004, 2006. Used popular, unverifiable ES&S touch-screens to flip votes...

* Clay County Clerk, Freddy Thompson, 45, allegedly provided money to election officers to be distributed by the officers to buy votes and he also instructed officers how to change votes at the voting machine.

* Election officer William E. Stivers, 56, allegedly marked votes or issued tickets to voters who had sold their votes and changed votes at the voting machine.

* Paul E. Bishop, 60, allegedly marked voters or issued tickets to voters who sold their votes and he also hosted alleged meetings at his home where money was pooled together by candidates and distributed to election officers, including himself. He was also accused of instructing the officers how to change votes at the voting machine.

Kentucky officials arrested and indicted today, "including the circuit court judge, the county clerk, and election officers" of Clay County, have been charged with "chang[ing] votes at the voting machine" and showing others how to do it!

Local Kentucky TV coverage of the corrupt judge and election officials.

Five Clay County officials, including the circuit court judge, the county clerk, and election officers were arrested Thursday after they were indicted on federal charges accusing them of using corrupt tactics to obtain political power and personal gain.

The Official Indictment

Note: The below article, DIEBOLD changed their name to "Premier". They pulled the old "switcheroo", as I'm sure AIG will. I have AIG auto insurance for years. My last statement, it said "21st Century". I called them and asked what the deal was, and they wouldn't give me a straight answer, but apparently AIG, at least the auto insurance part of it, pulled the old "switcheroo", too!!! Same CRAP, different name. In other news: Hitler changed his name to Adolph Cunningham, so I guess WWII never happened...

Diebold Admits Audit Logs in ALL Versions of Their Software Fail to Record Ballot Deletions. Startling admission made during public hearing in CA to consider decertification of the company's voting and tabulation software...

Diebold Failure: Not Just for E-Voting Anymore. Malware discovered in their Windows-based ATM systems. Experts suspect insider attack...


(hit the "+" sign to enlarge the print below; scroll down the article with your mouse)Infinite Debt

Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) LAUNCHED A SEARCH TOOL FOR UNCOVERED GOVERNMENT DOCUMENTS as part of our celebration of Sunshine Week. The search tool is sophisticated technology that allows the public to closely examine thousands of pages of documents we have pried loose from secretive government agencies. In addition, we're posting scores of never-before seen documents on several controversial government initiatives, including the FBI's Investigative Data Warehouse and DCS 3000 surveillance program, and the Department of Homeland Security's Automated Targeting System and ADVISE data-mining project.

Over the past two and a half years, EFF has filed hundreds of FOIA requests and made thousands of pages of once-secret documents available to the public on our website. Our FOIA work has revealed details about the FBI's improper use of National Security Letters, uncovered the Department of Homeland Security's internal policies on searching and interrogating travelers at the border, and revealed information about the technology the government uses to wiretap cell phones.

The release of these new documents is just one step in the ongoing fight for greater government transparency. EFF will continue to pressure the government to remember its
obligations to transparency and to the public.

EFF Launches Search Tool for Uncovered Government Documents. New Search Engine Highlights EFF's Transparency Efforts During Sunshine Week

Full Press Release

Real Time with Bill Maher | New Rules | March 20 2009

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Big Dan's Big News March 21, 2009

Shocking atrocities of Israelis against Palestinians. Live footage of Palestinian doctor on live Israeli television while his daughters are being killed. YOU paid for this with your tax money. And I seriously doubt if Zionist controlled ANBCBSNNX covered this REAL news. These claims are coming from the Israeli soldiers themselves, and the Israeli newspaper Haaretz. Ummm.....I told you so!!!

The Israeli Military Advocate General has for the first time called for criminal inquiries into the conduct of Israeli troops in Gaza. The request came in response to soldiers’ testimonies that described loose rules of engagement, troops firing on unarmed civilians, and troops intentionally vandalizing property during the three-week assault on Gaza. We speak to Gaza-based journalist Amira Hass of the Israeli newspaper Haaretz.

Israel Promises Internal Probe After Soldiers Describe Civilian Killings, Lax Rules of Engagement in Gaza Attack

Palestinian gynecologist and peace advocate Dr. Ezzeldeen Abu al-Aish speaks to Democracy Now! producer Anjali Kamat and Jacquie Soohen of Big Noise Films in his home in Jabaliya, Gaza, where Israeli shells killed three of his daughters and a niece two months ago. Walking through his daughters’ room, he points out the remnants from the attack: blood-stained walls, books, clothes, hand-drawn pictures, gaping holes that were once windows, burned-out bits of computers, twisted pieces of metal, destroyed cupboards, shattered glass, and shrapnel.

Palestinian Doctor, Peace Advocate Recounts Israeli Attack on Home that Killed 3 Daughters, Niece

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Here's what Israeli Zionists think of the Palestinian people, from their own mouths:

“The Palestinians are like crocodiles, the more you give them meat, they want more”…. Ehud Barak, Prime Minister of Israel at the time - August 28, 2000. Reported in the Jerusalem Post August 30, 2000

“[The Palestinians are] beasts walking on two legs.” Menahim Begin, speech to the Knesset, quoted in Amnon Kapeliouk, “Begin and the Beasts”. New Statesman, 25 June 1982.

“The Palestinians” would be crushed like grasshoppers … heads smashed against the boulders and walls.” Isreali Prime Minister (at the time) in a speech to Jewish settlers New York Times April 1, 1988

“When we have settled the land, all the Arabs will be able to do about it will be to scurry around like drugged cockroaches in a bottle.” Raphael Eitan, Chief of Staff of the Israeli Defence Forces, New York Times, 14 April 1983.

“We have to kill all the Palestinians unless they are resigned to live here as slaves.” Chairman Heilbrun of the Committee for the Re-election of General Shlomo Lahat, the mayor of Tel Aviv, October 1983.

“One million Arabs are not worth a Jewish fingernail.” — Rabbi Yaacov Perrin, Feb. 27, 1994 [Source: N.Y. Times, Feb. 28, 1994, p. 1]


“Every time we do something you tell me America will do this and will do that . . . I want to tell you something very clear: Don’t worry about American pressure on Israel. We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it.” - Israeli Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon, October 3, 2001, to Shimon Peres, as reported on Kol Yisrael radio.


Don't forget, George W. Bush and the Republicans wanted to PRIVATIZE SOCIAL SECURITY!!! Wouldn't THAT have been NICE!!! In this economy!!! You could've kissed your social security GOODBYE!!!

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Liddy’s Lies to Congress: Meet AIG’s $6.4 Million Man

13 Firms Receiving Billions Of Dollars In Bailout Money Owe Back Taxes

The global economic crisis isn't about money - it's about power. How Wall Street insiders are using the bailout to stage a revolution

The Big Takeover

Friday, March 20, 2009

Big Dan's Big News March 20, 2009

No attention is being paid to the fact that AIG’s funneling of tens of billions of dollars in taxpayer bailout money to other banks. "Perp Walks Instead of Bonuses": Veteran Journalist Robert Scheer on AIG Bonuses, the "Backdoor Bailout" and Why Obama Should Fire Geithner, Summers

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Did commenter extraordinaire, the mysterious ΕΎ, figure it all out:
Is AIG laundering bailout money actually intended for Goldman Sachs and then to the ultimate benefit of big honcho David Rockefeller ?

AIG the culprit? NO.. Here's the real beneficiary of the bailout money.

If AIG fell, Goldman Sachs was going to be hurt, badly, because of the counter party issue.

The original bailout last fall to AIG was pushed by Paulson, Bushie Sec. of Treasury.
Who used to be CEO of Goldman Sachs.
Who was also a mentor to Geithner.

Lehman Brothers was a rival of Goldman Sachs. Lehman was allowed to sink.

The bailout program, designed by Paulson to give about 12 billion indirectly to Goldman
via AIG,
is being "managed" by...Neel Kashkari, a former Goldman Sachs VP.

Geithner was a protege of Robert Rubin.
Rubin was Clinton's Sec. Treasury who pushed for the deregulation which led to this mess.
Rubin came to Treasury job from.................Goldman Sachs.

Geithner's Chief of Staff, Mark Patterson, was a lobbyist for...Goldman Sachs.

The new AIG CEO, Liddy, who was appointed by Paulson, came from Goldman Sachs.
plunger adds:
I’ve personally observed that all money and power flow to David Rockefeller in the United States…that he is indeed the King.

Connect the dots through Congress/Treasury/The FED (one and the same under the ownership and control of David Rockefeller) through AIG to Goldman - and then on to the control of Rockefeller from there.

The ridiculous secrecy about use of public funds to support publicly traded companies is EVIDENCE OF CRIMINALITY AND COVERUP.

Connect All The Dots

Geithner is CLEARLY Rockefeller’s agent…and lying his ass off…poorly.

AIG was scheduled to make millions of dollars in bonus payments has been public knowledge for many months -- since well before Geithner pressured Chris Dodd to insert an exception into executive compensation limits for already-existing employment contracts.

* Chris Dodd -- advocated full-scale, no-exceptions limits on executive compensation for bailed-out companies
* Obama administration -- supported limits but advocated exceptions for already-existing employment contracts
* GOP leaders -- opposed all executive compensation limits as Socialist tyranny

Republicans and executive compensation limits

The dishonest "Blame Dodd" scheme from Treasury officials

Rightwing media for AIG bonuses; GOP leadership against AIG bonuses.

Split Emerging Between Conservative Media And GOP Leadership On AIG Mess

How soon we forget: GOP Opposes Pay Limits On Bailed-Out Bankers, February 6, 2009


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