Look: I'm actually getting sick of posting 9/11 stuff and pointing out the bullshit scare articles by our government and media like the one below...check out my 9/11 links on the right and start reading!!! And stop believing everything you read from the corporate-controlled newspapers and corporate-controlled TV channels! If anything happens in the NYC Subways during the holidays, it's our own government doing it! READ!!!!! OR THERE'S NO HOPE FOR YOU!!!!
Maybe you're afraid to find out the truth. If your government was behind the terrorism they're blaming on others, would you want to know it? Read the 9/11 links on the right of my blog. Our government wants you to keep your eye on their FAKE terrorists, while the REAL terrorists are looting all the money in our treasury!!!
Here's another government scare story...OUR government trying to scare us. Read this BULLSHIT! "a person"..."anonymous source"..."no details"..."no indication"...etc...etc...IT'S OUR GOVERNMENT TRYING TO SCARE YOU! WHAT KIND OF A BULLSHIT ARTICLE IS THIS???
NYC Subway Terror Plot May Threaten Holidays, Feds Warn
AE911 European Tour Is A Resounding Success
Finally! Ann Coulter's mouth wired shut!
NYPost: Ann Coulter's Jaw Wired Shut: Report
Was Eliot Spitzer set up by the Feds because he was onto the upcoming "financial crisis"???
Eliot Spitzer wrote this article well before the "financial crisis", and the next thing you know he's resigning in a hooker scandal:
WaPo: Predatory Lenders' Partner in Crime. How the Bush Administration Stopped the States From Stepping In to Help Consumers. By Eliot Spitzer February 14, 2008
Greg Palast: Eliot's Mess
Project Censored's 2009 # 25 Censored Story by the Media: Bush’s Real Problem with Eliot Spitzer
NYTimes: Panel Asks How Inquiry Began on Spitzer Banking
The set up hooker...
...no sex ramp needed!!!
Congress is running out of time to finally make the Bush administration own up to its actions for eight years. If Congress isn’t careful, the president who already has issued 171 pardons could also pardon every appointee and employee he has ever had – and their dogs. And then Americans will never find out what happened to our country over the past eight years.
For economy's sake, Pelosi needs to push for impeachment now
Sweeping Pardons 'Unnecessary' . White House Is Disinclined to Grant Clemency to Officials Involved in Terror Policies
Would Bush pre-emptively pardon Rumsfeld?
White House not likely to pardon torture officials, claims torture memos make pardons ‘unnecessary.’
In Thanksgiving Tradition, Bush Pardons Scooter Libby In Giant Turkey Costume
Candidate to Head RNC Connected To Whites-Only Country Club (of course)
The website Talking Points Memo reports a candidate to become chair of the Republican National Committee was a longtime member of a white-only country club in South Carolina. Katon Dawson announced his candidacy for the RNC chair on Sunday. He is currently the South Carolina Republican chair. For 12 years Dawson was a member of the Forest Lake Club. He resigned from the club in September after local media reports revealed that the country club’s deed had a whites-only restriction. The news come as the Republican party struggles to attract African-American supporters. At this year’s Republican National Convention only 36 of the nearly 2,400 delegates were black, the lowest number in 40 years.
Candidate For RNC Chair Was Member Of Whites-Only Country Club
Franken camp finds 6,400 uncounted absentee ballots
Coleman challenges ballots where voters voted for McCain and Franken...that can't be! They intended to vote for Coleman, if they voted for McCain...even though they voted for Franken!