Dick Cheney and Alberto Gonzales Indicted in Private Prison Case in Texas
Cheney's lawyer files motion to quash indictment
Dick Cheney's Financial Ties to Private Prison Companies
Tiny clay figures are reminders of growing Iraq death toll
Nadler Introduces Resolution Opposing Possible Bush Pardons of His Own Subordinates for Crimes He Authorized
An unpardonable use of power. If President Bush cares about his place in history, he should think twice before issuing pardons that call his judgment, and the integrity of the rule of law, into question. By Sen. Russ Feingold
Almost Jules Verne: U.S. study envisions the future. The risks of a nuclear weapon being used and wars being fought over dwindling resources will grow during the next 20 years as diminishing U.S. power, a shift of wealth from West to East, the rise of India and China and climate change reshape the world, a new U.S. intelligence study warned Thursday.
Contractors in Iraq could face charges in earlier incidents. Private security contractors operating in Iraq could face Iraqi prosecution for acts committed when they supposedly had immunity from Iraqi law, U.S. officials said Thursday.