● GOP Insiders Worry About McCain's Chances
● Senator Graham: McCain's Policies Would "Absolutely" Be An Extension Of Bush's (h/t Dredd)
● In his explosive new memoir, former White House press secretary Scott McClellan claims that Karl Rove, Scooter Libby, “and possibly Vice President Cheney” encouraged him to “repeat a lie” to the American people about the administration’s role in the leaking of Valerie Plame’s identity. This assertion, along with others, has led members of Congress, like House Oversight Chairman Henry Waxman (D-CA), to again ask questions about the CIA leak scandal.
● Rep. Waxman seeks access to Bush, Cheney interviews on CIA leak
● US interrogators of "war on terror" detainees were instructed to destroy handwritten notes that might have exposed harsh or even illegal questioning methods at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, a lawyer for one of the prisoners said Sunday.
NCMR '08
● Dan Rather Slams Corporate News at National Conference for Media Reform
● Corporate reform top issue at media conference. Critics of corporate media gather in Minneapolis to discuss reform
● Rather, Moyers address 'crisis of journalism'
● Producer of O'Reilly Factor ambushes Moyers at conference, then gets ambushed himself!
● Family felt like 'lab rats' in FEMA trailer. Medical care runs to 4,000 pages, $10,000
● Bilderberg meeting attracts prominent politicians, businessmen
Bilderberg, and introduction (h/t z):