● What to watch for -- and do -- to detect vote "shenanigans"!
● Citizen's Guide to Following Vote Transport Vehicles
● BlackBoxVoting.org's voters' "Citizen's Tool Kit"
● Citizen Reports from the Front Lines
● 2008 Election Will Be Stolen in PA! A Plea from A Resident of the "Silent State"
● Huckabee 'Not Ready to Concede,' 'Looking at Some Legal Issues' in 'Dubious' Washington State GOP Caucus. Says 'Weird Things' Going On as Party Stops Counting Votes at 87%, Declares McCain 'Winner' with Just 242 Vote Margin out of nearly 14,000 Reported Tallied So Far. Paul Currently in Third Place, Just 427 Votes Behind Huckabee as Louisiana GOP Race Shows Even Slimmer Margin for 'Winner' Huckabee by less than 1%, Tallied on Fully Unverifiable Sequoia Electronic Voting Machines...
● "State Secret" Privilege Used to Block Lawsuit on Behalf of Torture Victims. Rights and Liberties: Is extraordinary rendition really a "state secret" anymore?
● Gates: Iraq Drawdown May Be Delayed. Defense Secretary Robert Gates on Monday endorsed, for the first time, the idea of pausing the drawdown of U.S. forces from Iraq this summer. (bd: translation: they lied...again...about withdrawing U.S. troops!).
● The Chicken Doves. Elected to end the war, Democrats have surrendered to Bush on Iraq and betrayed the peace movement for their own political ends. (bd: Rolling Stone Magazine)
● More evidence of Pre-9/11 Inside Trading: Follow the Money? Why was the cashing out of billions of dollars just before 9/11 never investigated?
● McCain, Obama favored to win Tuesday's Virginia primary
● Obama sweeps four weekend states
● Plan Would Sidestep Electoral College. If John R. Koza gets his way, American voters will never again have to wonder about the workings of the Electoral College and why it decides who sits in the White House.
● Army buried critical Iraq planning study. Identified problems with nearly every organization with role in planning the war.
● US to execute six at Gitmo. Prosecutors of detainees to seek death penalty... once they are charged.
● Bush: ‘The Experts Will Tell You We’re Not In A Recession’
● Bush: If Candidates Are ‘Talking About Me,’ Republicans ‘Have A Better Chance Of Winning’
Democracy NOW! DISH channels 9410 & 9415, DirecTV channel 275:
Report: Over 23,000 Business Leaders Working With FBI and Homeland Security
The Progressive magazine is reporting that more than 23,000 representatives of private industry are working quietly with the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security. The business leaders form a group known as InfraGard that receives warnings of terrorist threats directly from the FBI before the public does. We speak with the the reporter who broke the story and the editor of The Progressive, Matt Rothschild.
AMY GOODMAN: More than 23,000 representatives of private industry are working quietly in collaboration with the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security, this according to an exclusive report in The Progressive magazine. The business leaders form a group known as InfraGard that receives warnings of terrorist threats directly from the FBI before the public does. In return, they provide information to the government. According to one whistleblower, the FBI has given members of InfraGard permission to shoot to kill in the event of martial law.
(bd: Where are the "anti-big govt conservatives" on this one???)
Matt Rothschild is the reporter who broke the story. He is editor of The Progressive magazine. He’s author of the book You Have No Rights: Stories of America in an Age of Repression. He joins us from Madison, Wisconsin.
Welcome to Democracy Now!, Matt.
MATT ROTHSCHILD: Thanks for having me on, Amy...
DN! transcript or DN! video
● The FBI Deputizes Business...at least 23,000 from this business "InfraGard" get "shoot to kill" permission in case of martial law! In America, that is! Not Iraq!
US Embassy in Bolivia Tells Fulbright Scholar and Peace Corps Volunteers to Spy on Venezuelans and Cubans in Bolivia
An American Fulbright scholar and Peace Corps volunteers in Bolivia say the US embassy told them to spy on Venezuelans and Cubans in Bolivia. We go to Bolivia to speak with the Fulbright scholar Alexander van Schaick and Jean Friedman-Rudovsky, the reporter who broke the story for ABC News.
DN! transcript or DN! video
● On a Fulbright scholarship to conduct research in Bolivia, Alex van Schaick had no training in espionage. But that didn’t stop an official at the U.S. Embassy for inquiring about his services. On Friday, van Schaick told media officials that a member of the U.S. Embassy asked him to keep tabs on Venezuelan and Cuban workers during his time in Bolivia.
Bush, our dictator...? (z)
(bd: AGAIN! Where are all the "conservatives" against "big govt" on this?)