(Zelikow was Bush/Cheney's "inside guy" to white-wash the 9/11 commission investigation)
· Key 9/11 Commission Staffer Held Secret Meetings With Rove, Scaled Back Criticisms of White House
· Most people have never heard of Philip D. Zelikow, but he is best known as the executive director of the 9/11 Commission. He basically wrote the 9/11 Commission Report. Immediately prior to Bush appointing him to head the 9/11 Commission, Zelikow was the executive director of the little known Aspen Strategy Group whose members include Dick Cheney, Condoleeza Rica, and Paul Wolfowitz.
· FBI says, “No hard evidence connecting Bin Laden to 9/11”
· Bush: Iraq pullout would make US look weak, embolden Iran
· Foreclosure relief bill fails. Consumer protections too much for some lawmakers and bank lobbyists.
· ABC Publishes Hit Piece Against Bill Clinton, Peddles Right-Wing Misinformation On Global Warming
· Cheney Pushes For Telecom Immunity: ‘We Haven’t Violated Anybody’s Civil Liberties’
· Can't Pay Your Mortgage? Trash Your House and Leave.Corporate Accountability and WorkPlace: As housing markets tank, "trash-outs" are on the rise, leaving owners, lenders and banks fighting over who should pay the clean-up bill.
· But regardless of what happens to Wesley Snipes, the attention the case is receiving is causing more and more Americans to take a closer look at whether or not the income tax is in fact legal or not.
· Microsoft bids big to acquire Yahoo. Microsoft has offered $44.6 billion to Yahoo, one of the best-known Web portals, in an effort to take on their rival Google.
· Record drop for construction spending
· Efforts to help bail out troubled bond insurers are escalating, with one group of big banks focusing on a potential rescue of Ambac Financial Group, CNBC has learned.
· U.S. Economy: Payrolls Fall for First Time Since 2003
· U.S. employers unexpectedly cut 17,000 non-farm jobs in January, the first time in nearly 4-1/2 years that U.S. payrolls shrank.
· Exxon shatters profit records. Oil giant makes corporate history by booking $11.7 billion in quarterly profit; earns $1,300 a second in 2007.
· Shell's record profits branded 'obscene'
· Journalists, bloggers are threats in terror drill
· NASA Launching Beatles Tune Into Space
· US military not adequately prepared for homeland attack, report says
· Homeless Vets Prepare To Block O'Reilly's Shot
· Bush Seeks Surplus via Medicare Cuts
· President Bush's 2009 budget exceeds $3 trillion, but is lean for domestic, health programs
· Soldier Suicides at Record Level
· Vt. lawmakers seek to pull Guard from war
· Rolling Stone: The Fear Factory. The FBI now has more than 100 task forces devoted exclusively to fighting terrorism. But is the government manufacturing ghosts?
· Rolling Stone:Truth or Terrorism? The Real Story Behind Five Years of High Alerts. A history of the Bush administration's most dubious terror scares — and the headlines they buried
· It is an irony of life, or fate, that the only neo-Nazi state in the world today is the one built by survivors of the Holocaust and their descendents. The Gaza Strip was a large Nazi concentration camp. As thousands of its inhabitants poured into Egypt through openings in the wall, the strip became another Warsaw Ghetto with the Israeli army depicted as the Nazi army and the Palestinians as the Polish Jews.
· Site for atheists deleted by MySpace
· In an unusual closed session, a federal appeals court will hear arguments today in three cases alleging KBR knowingly sent civilian contractors along a dangerous route in Iraq, where they suffered a deadly attack.
· Egyptian students had fireworks, not bombs. Held in detention since last year, FBI says students were telling truth.
· Broward County Voters Give 110% in Florida Primary! 'Unofficial Results' on County Website Shows Turnout Exceeds Registered Voters in Precinct D001. Officials Have No Explanation for Now, Said to Be 'Still Reviewing That Information'...
· MAYHEM EXPECTED IN CALIFORNIA ON SUPER TUESDAY, ACCORDING TO MEDIA REPORTS! Election Results May be Delayed Until the Next Morning After the Election! County Registrars Help Sound the Alarm!
· Citizen's Guide to Following Vote Transport Vehicles
$700 bribe buys access to voting machines