Thursday, January 17, 2008

Big Dan's Big News Jan 17, 2008

(Dog for sale; "Fluffy" is good with small children...)

· NH CONTEST: DIEBOLD MISCOUNTS REPORTED ACROSS MANY CANDIDATES, WARDS, IN FIRST DAY OF ELECTION CONTEST HAND COUNTS. Also: Diebold Memory Cards Unaccounted For; Public Record Request by Election Integrity Advocates on Ground Reveal 550+ Votes Read as Blank by Op-Scanner in Stratham...Clinton, Kucinich Observers There, Nobody from Obama or Edwards, Says Election Attorney...

· [UPDATED] NH Contest Update: Kucinich Pays, Count to Begin; Republican Howard's Funds Bottlenecked at Bank Now Delivered to, Accepted by NH SoS! SEVERAL UPDATES: Howard's Funds, in Full, Now Accepted by SoS Gardner, Republican Recount is On!

· 'Send Lawyers, Peace, and Money': New Hampshire Election Contests Get Technical, Testy Before They Even Begin. Election Integrity Experts Converge and Join Both Republican and Democratic Candidates in Quest for Transparency. New Hampshire Secretary of State Questioned About Documentation, Poll Records, and Diebold Memory Cards...

· We are finding in New Hampshire: the best of the best in MOST situations, but considerable naivete and in some areas, and an alarming and wilfull negligence.

· Federal gasoline taxes should be increased up to 40 cents per gallon over five years, a divided special commission urged Tuesday in calling for drastic changes to fix aging bridges and roads and reduce traffic deaths.

· The Financial Tsunami: Sub-Prime Mortgage Debt is but the Tip of the Iceberg (Part I)

· The Financial Tsunami: Sub-Prime Mortgage Debt is but the Tip of the Iceberg (Part II)

· LIFE WITH BIG BROTHER. Hospitals tagging babies with electronic chips. Privacy advocates protest as half of Ohio birthing centers turn to tracking technology

· Using Benazir Bhutto for Imperial Gain

· Do U.S. pandemic plans threaten rights, ACLU asks

· Tom Shiflett, 62, of Apple Tree Park, Co. is hopping mad. His 11-year-old son, Jon, was abducted from his home - by the The Garfield County All Hazards Response Team. No - the child was not in imminent danger. No - he was not being abused. No - he was not being held hostage. The raid resulted from Tom refusing to allow his son to be taken to hospital for minor injuries that could easily be treated at home. Tom should know; he was a medic in Vietnam and was more than qualified to treat the bruises his son received from falling down.

· No Escape from War and Unemployment

· Why is Iran Still in the Cross-Hairs? Clues from the Project of a New American Century

· Deterioration of Iraqi Women's Rights and Living Conditions Under Occupation

· Iraq's Children Still 'Paying the Price'

· Pentagon's PSYOPs: Information Warfare Using Aggressive Psychological Operations

· Fox hypes terror of 'White Al Qaeda Army'

· Unraveling the Myth of Al Qaida

· Eight U.S. State Department Veterans Challenge the Official Account of 9/11

· Main Japanese Opposition Party Questions 9/11 in Parliament

New Bush Coins:


  1. Big 12 commissioner Dan Beebe took some time
    out last week to indulge the media blitz surrounding the one-year anniversary of
    his conference's near death and answer questions about its recent cash-fueled
    revival from a number of media ...

  2. Yeah, Mr. Conditioning Test is in the news again. As
    indications mount that the end of the NFL lockout is at least a reasonable thing
    for which to hope, speculation mounts about some of the big-name moves
    that have been on hold during ...

  3. "I know this will be the big debate about the NCAA action in this case and I ... for football conversations and stuff you won't see on the blog.
