The best channel on television is DISH channel 9415 Free Speech TV. Liberty News: is only on Free Speech TV. Free Speech TV is only on DISH. Cable and DirecTV do not have Free Speech TV. This is what you're missing. Here's the entire half-hour of the new Liberty News. Why is this activism? Because activism starts with learning the truth. You won't see Liberty News anywhere else. You're lucky they post this on the internet.
Click on the "Liberty News" link in blue below, and see what Liberty New is like. It's their latest 1/2 news, they only come out quarterly. I added the Liberty News link to my links. I urge you to dump whatever you have: cable, DirecTV, or whatever...and get DISH; it's cheaper and better and it's the only place that has channel 9415 Free Speech TV:
Liberty News: WE'VE CHANGED! Our new format is edgier, more entertaining, yet still packed with original educational and satirical material. First, we offer an original "futurementary" about Dennis Kucinich, titled Pax Americana. This futuristic documentary concerns the 2008 election, seen from 30 years in the future. To round things off we have Rudy Giuliani's fascist campaign ads, the "Big Dick" Cheney action figure, and other cutting edge comentaries. This is programming like you've never seen on mainstream TV. Tell your friends about Liberty News, and make truth in television a reality, and remember...YOU have the power to make change!
Click here to watch the latest installment of Liberty News on Real Player! Or click on the blue Liberty News link above to watch it from their website.