(artwork by Little De)
Limbaugh stays on the Lockwood attack: Calls Global Warming a “Hoax Issue”
Pat Boone, Kentucky GOP: Electing Democratic governor will make Kentucky like San Francisco
CNN's Crazy Glen Beck: "There’s one thing in my book they haven’t tried yet and that is: Killing. Every. Single. One. Of the radicals."
Gas Is Above $3.05 Where I Live, What About You?
Ron Paul, Kucinich and Gravel keep saying things I agree with - does that make me a bad person?
The U.S. military announced six new deaths Tuesday, making 2007 the bloodiest year for American troops in Iraq despite a recent decline in casualties and a sharp drop in roadside bombings that Washington links to Iran.
What? Even DailyKOS's Marcos Questions Democrats' Actions Lately!!!
Kucinich not stopping with Cheney, plans Bush impeachment resolution too
A majority of House Republicans joined Democrats this evening in escalating a confrontation with President Bush over federal spending as the House overrode Mr. Bush’s veto of a popular water projects measure.
Out Of Control With Tasers! Chicago Police Taser 82 - Year - Old Woman
ACLU learns of third 'secret' torture memo from Gonzales Justice Department
We Keep Seeing "CitiGroup Write-Down of Billions"…can someone tell me what a "write-down" is???