The official reason the Republicans and their reichwing brownshirt media noise machine wanted SCHIP vetoed, is because they think families that earn between $60,000 and $80,000 (their false talking point) have enough money to pay for their own health insurance, and should be doing just that.
So, what's their reason for being for the Bush tax cuts for the super-rich? They don't have enough money? They think families that make between $60,000 and $80,000 should pay $12,000 for health insurance out of their budgets instead of for other things they need...but they think millionaires and billionaires don't have enough money and need huge tax cuts?
Republican leader John Boehner's reason for their veto of SCHIP was, "We are putting poor children first." Actually, Boehner is wrong: Boehner and the Republicans put millionaires and billionaires tax cuts first! The millionaires and billionaires the Republicans care more about, received tax cuts a lot more than the entire yearly income of these families ...but they think millionaires and billionaires are the ones who needed more money! Boehner said the Republicans are "...standing on our principle...". Yes, and we all know what that is!
The Republican "$60-$80" talking point is also false. The White House's official statement for vetoing SCHIP was, "some households with incomes up to 400 percent of the federal poverty level, or $83,000 per year...." could afford to pay their own childrens' health insurance. Notice the word "some". Bush isn't lying! Less than 30% is "some"! Urban Institute, a non-partisan think tank, estimated that 70 percent of children who would gain coverage are in families earning less than $40,000. Why do Republicans hate families that earn less than $40,000...but love millionaires and billionaires enough to give them enormous tax cuts?
Why does Rush Limbaugh want these famlies to pay $12,000 for children's health coverage, instead of other things they need?
Why does Michelle "Stalkin'" Malkin want these famlies to pay $12,000 for children's health coverage, instead of other things they need?
Why does Sean Hannity want these famlies to pay $12,000 for children's health coverage, instead of other things they need?
Why do Republicans love to give huge tax cuts to millionaires and billionaires during a time of war, while asking famlies making under $40,000 to "sacrifice"?
Why are Republicans "pro-life"...but against covering that life with children's SCHIP health coverage?